⭐️ - Macaque

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"You know, when I found out I was going to be trained by the Monkey King, Great Sage, Equal to Heaven, I had no idea... that I'd be stuck here hammering walls 12 hours a day. Why am I doing this again?" MK yelled out, throwing the hammer he was using off to the side, glaring daggers at Wukong, who relaxed back on his nimbus.

"Oh, so I can make a nice little breakfast nook. Get some light up in here." The Monkey King stated simply, glazing over the fact of how frustrated MK was.

"But I'm meant to be Monkie Kid. Not Construction Boy. How am I supposed to do the hero stuff if I don't know the fighting stuff?" Wukong smirked, turning to face MK dead in the eye. "Oh? So you want to know the "fighting stuff," huh? Like this?"

He activated his golden eyes of truth, spinning his staff in perfect succession before throwing it through an incredibly important mural in his temple.

But like he really cared though.

"Huh? Whoa. Yes, exactly like that. I am ready for some awesome." MK stated excitedly, but it was quickly dwindled down when Monkey King began laughing. "Look, bud. You can't rush this stuff. You'll get there. You just need practice."

MK pouted. "But this isn't practice." Sun Wukong groaned and faced MK with a stern face and arms crossed. "I'm never going to teach you something you don't need to know, okay?"

MK huffed in disappointment. Wukong reclined back onto his nimbus. "Okay. Now, this priceless, ancient mural is not going to destroy itself. So remember: Step into the strike."

Before MK could return to hammering down the mural, his phone rang. He took it out and answered, it was Mei.

"MK, we really need your help." Mei exclaimed in panic, panning her phone camera to show a giant shadow smoke monster attacking the city.

MK gasped. "A monster attacking the city? That's terrible. Dang. Guess I got to go do some boring hero stuff instead of this. Okay, bye." MK dashed off, leaving Wukong, who simply stared apathetically as he left.


"What did I miss?" MK asked as he jumped off his skateboard, leaving it to crash into something.

"MK, what took you so long?" Mei huffed out. MK shrugged. "Sorry, sorry, Monkey King was making me do boring stuff. That the bad guy?" MK looked over at the giant shadow monster looming over everything. "Okay. Be right back. Here comes—!"

"No, wait!" Mei tried to stop him, but MK moved forward for the attack. "—Monkie Kid."

MK tried to attack, but was stopped mid-air by the shadow monster, who used a shadowy tendril to grab him and toss him back onto the street, leaving a decently sized dent in the asphalt.

Mei inhaled sharply. "Oh, yeah, we tried that." She pointed over to a dent next to him, Pigsy laying unconscious as Sandy cried comically, covering the pig demons face with a handkerchief.

"Where's Peach?" MK wondered. "She's scared of the shadow monster, so she's hiding over there." Mei pointed out.

That sounded completely out of character for Peach. He looked over to where Mei was pointing at, spotting Peach behind a city garbage can, shivering in fear with an occasional whimper.

He was so used to Peach being so brave and confident in the face of danger, that he didn't stop to think she would be scared of anything.

So why a shadow monster, of all things?

"Is that..." Mei looked overhead as a dark figure jumped above them. "Monkey King?" MK finished off.

The dark figure conjured up purple coloured magic and blasted away the shadow monster, making it curl into just a wisp and retreat to where it came from.

𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒, 𝓅𝑒𝒶𝒸𝒽𝑒𝓈! (Peach x LMK Various)Where stories live. Discover now