✨ - The Winning Side

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Macaque is walking through the desert. He opens a silver compass. It flashes back to him being taken to Lady Bone Demon by the Mayor.

"The staff. The city. You've been busy." He said.

Lady Bone Demon huffed. "Tell me. What madness overcame you, that you would forsake your oath? When did you decide to betray me?"

Nervously, Macaque backed away. "Listen, Lady Bone Demon."

"Have you forgotten who I am? What I am! I, who returned you to the mortal plane. All in exchange for such a little favor. That when the time came, you would free me, aid in my pursuit of equilibrium. But no. With the first breath of a new life, you rebelled against your fate. Fool." She sneered down at Macaque, who raised a brow.

"So. You want something." He deduced.

"I offer one more chance at redemption. Bring me the Monkey King and his protégé, and perhaps you will be worthy of my mercy." She explains, summoning and giving him a silver compass.

Macaque looks at it curiously. "And this is —?"

"A compass of sorts." She cut him off. "No matter where they flee, this will find them."

The primate smirked. "Convenient. All righty, then. Seems like they've got a bit of headway, so—."

Chains rise from the ground and pull Macaque down.

"What is this?!" He grunts out, staring at the chains in a panic.

Lady Bone Demon stared down at him apathetically. "A reminder. It seems you cannot be trusted to willingly follow the path of destiny. But know this. If you betray me again, one misstep, one failure in any way, I will erase the very memory of you. Now, bring them to me, my champion."


Pigsy and Tang are taking down camp with Peach's help.

"Oh, Monkey King. He's glowing. That's got to be a good sign, right?" Tang asked excitedly, and as much as Peach wanted to agree, she couldn't help but shrug.

Pigsy, however, just snorted in agitation. "That's all he does. Glows and sits around all day 'cause he's got to get his strength back and apparently can't spare five minutes to help pack up camp."

"Pigsy. You know never to wake up someone from a transcendental meditation." Tang scolded.

"Just, tray and give him some more time?" Peach offered up while Tang nodded behind her.

Pigsy just groaned, but conceded. "Tang, go get the others. Let's get going."

Mei, Sandy, and MK are on a cliff. MK had the face of pure willpower and confidence as the two hyped him up.

Mei shouted out to him. "Okay, MK. It's time. Time to look inward. Time to reclaim the power. Time to shout out till the whole world hears—!"

"Here comes Monkie Kid!" MK then began trying to use his powers, but nothing was happening, only sounds of struggling came from him that sounded... kind of questionable.

"Go MK!"

"You can do it!"

Mei and Sandy cheered, but all that came out of MK was a fart, and the two laughed.

"I can't do it." MK slouched sadly, sitting back down in the edge of the cliff.

"It's all right, MK. You did it before, you'll do it again." Mei comforted him.

𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒, 𝓅𝑒𝒶𝒸𝒽𝑒𝓈! (Peach x LMK Various)Where stories live. Discover now