✨ - Cooking With Chang'e

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Peach was mushed between Mei and MK like a sandwich as the fire crackled to life before them. While carefully driving the T.E.A through the desert, Sandy, Mei and MK ended up crashing into them from the side, leaving the T.E.A damaged.

"We found it!" MK squealed in delight as he held up a shimmering, golden ring. "Our first ring!" And in his excitement, he pulled Peach into a bone crushing hug, which then led to Mei joining in, then their little cuddle pile as MK scrutinized the map.

"Okay, so whoever made this map, needs a lesson in how to draw good." He exclaimed with a frown.

Tang returned MK's insult with offence, an eyebrow raised. "One: Judgy much? And two: What do you mean?"

"None of these landmarks look like anything! Like okay, debatably, this one where we got the first ring looks like 's . And this beautifully rendered mountain range looks like some sort of lantern city. But tell me, what the brick is this one supposed to be?!"

"Would you guys shush?!" Pigsy yelled as the tv screen flickered colours. Where they got the tv from, Peach had no clue, but curiously, she got up and sat beside him to see what was playing.

"Hello, everyone! It's wonderful to see you down there! I've missed you all so much! Welcome to my home for another night of , where I always say: Cooking is life and—"

"Life is cooking!" Pigsy and the girl on screen both spoke out excitedly. She was a young looking woman with fluffy black hair, she wore a spacesuit style of outfit with a crescent shaped hair accessory.

She was very cute.

"Tonight, I'll be revealing the secrets to making the perfect..." The sounds of the TV became white noise as MK, Mei and Peach whispered to each other.

"Huh, not gonna lie. She's uh... younger than I thought she'd be." Mei said with a perplexed look on her face.

Peach shrugged. "I mean, she's a goddess, right?" 

"Uh, does that thingy look kinda familiar?" MK pointed to the top of the scree, and in the background, above her oven, is the second Samadhi Ring. Pigsy aggressively shushes him before going back to watch. MK then realizes what he's looking at and crashes into Pigsy as he gets a closer look. He grabs Tang.

"Enough of that boring stuff, let's get to it! First, the ingredients." Chang'e's voice was drowned out as everyone focused on the thing in the background MK was looking at.

Peach's eyes widened.

"Guys, look! There! It's one of the rings!" MK exclaimed excitedly.

"The Second Ring of Samadhi is in Chang'e's kitchen?" Pigsy asked as he looked between his chef idol and the Samadhi Ring. 

Tangs eyes widened. "You know what this means? We are... going to..."

"The Celestial Realm!" MK exclaimed, and Peach couldn't help but snort. Everyone else face palmed and groaned, and MK took a second before he realized where they were actually going. "It's space! We're really going to space this time?" He jumped excitedly.

"I can't belive it! We're going to Chang'e's kitchen!" Pigsy cheered excitedly.

"To the moon!" MK and Pigsy were ecstatic.

"Hey, so... MK, I know you're big brain boy and all now, but how exactly are we supposed to get to the moon?" Mei asked, which was a good point. Peach was just as excited to go to the moon that she forgot the main transportation there...

𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒, 𝓅𝑒𝒶𝒸𝒽𝑒𝓈! (Peach x LMK Various)Where stories live. Discover now