Chapter 15

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Heather didn't even have time to turn around and face whoever was it that had called her name - not that she really needed to, the minute it had come out of his mouth she had known. To her surprise, however, two strong arms wrapped around her middle from behind, picking her up and swirling her around excitedly. Heather let out a surprised squeak, squirming and struggling against Joey's chest in an attempt to get down and just get this whole thing over with.

It wasn't like she wasn't happy to see Joey.

She was; she really was. In fact, she was over the moon about seeing her best friend for first time in weeks.

Just - she wasn't happy about the circumstances.

Not only did she feel exhausted and dreary, but she was going to explain the single most important thing about herself to her childhood friend and risk being either A.) rejected, B.) turned into the government, or C. All of the above. Just thinking of it made her feel sick to her stomach. And the swirling was not helping.

"Come on, Joey," Heather laughed, trying to her tone light and joking, "Put me down." Joey obeyed - settling Heather down on her uneasy legs. She wobbled a bit at first, not that Joey noticed - no, he was too busy noticing the rest of the group, who had been watching the exchange curiously and silently.

They had arrived in Washington DC only thirty minutes before and were currently sat in Heather's apartment - old apartment, she thought to herself, as she looked rather solemnly around her living room. There was so much to do, so much to pack. She'd have to put the place up for sale and get everything up to Westchester and buy a new bookshelf because her's was currently being held together by tape and maybe a new bed frame now that she thought about it and -

Heather glanced at Erik and found that he was frowning deeply, an uneasy look in his eyes as he peered over at Joey. She wondered briefly if he was worried about Joey spilling their secrets, but didn't have time to question it as Joey had began to speak. "Well, it's about time I met you all," Joey laughed carelessly, "I was beginning to think Heather was pulling my leg."

Heather elbowed Joey, just Moira stepped forward to speak. "I know that our agencies don't get along - very well, " she said in a strained tone, "But thank you. For helping us out of there." Joey rubbed his side gently, throwing a glare at Heather, but looking at Moira curiously. "A CIA agent? Thanking me? An FBI agent?" Moira didn't move from her moment, remaining silent, though her nose crinkled. "Why, the world must be going mad."

Moira was silent for another moment, before nodding stiffly and glancing at Heather - oh no, oh no, it was go time. Heather hesitated for a second, wondering if there was a possibility she could back out of it at that moment, before Moira cleared her throat and announced, "I think Heather has to tell you something."

Heather glared daggers at Moira, as Joey looked down at her curiously. "What do you have to talk to me about, Feather?" Heather bit her lip, looking around the room at the other mutants - who had all suddenly become grossly involved in a conversation of their own. Or if they were Sean, had discovered an interesting stain on the couch. "How about we go to the kitchen?" Heather offered weakly and Joey nodded, the two making their way to the other room.

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