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No Angels was my first ever X-Men story and I'm shocked by the support I've gotten through writing it. What started out as a weird dream has become one of my most popular fanfictions ever. 

I wanted to take this time to thank all of those who wrote reviews/comments, favorited this and followed me for this story. If it wasn't for you guys, this story wouldn't be where it is today. A special thank you to those you stayed for the whole ride, I'm sorry it took me so long to write this story. But thank you anyway for staying with me the whole time, you're all amazing.

I also wanted to say that I have a little something for you all.

Ever since I got to Chapter 10-11, I started to think "do I want to do a sequel?" At first, I was only going to do a sequel based off of Days of Future Past - you know, follow the trend I had going on.

I decided to title the project "Not About Angels" and while I developed most of the plot line for the story, I began to have doubts about it. So I basically put it in development hell. There's a good chance I may still write it, but it'll most likely come out around the time X-Men: Apocalypse does. 

The second sequel I decided to do was about the X-Men's life after No Angels. So students coming to the school, marriages, children, scandals. Basically a Soap Opera but with mutants.

That project is called "Calling All Angels" (keeping that angel theme alive and well), it'll defiantly be longer and the first chapter should be out soon.

I also wanted to say that I have a few other X-Men stories that I plan to write (one is about Ruth Lehnsherr and another revolves around Michael Coleman, Heather's older half-brother), so keep an eye out for those.

Thank you and all the love - Tori xx

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