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the watcher


After Kenra managed to easily convince her mother to let her go out tonight, though anytime Jessie's name is brought into the conversation, Claudia was automatically promoted to say yes, but saying they had to stay for dinner first. For being such a dick to most people, Jessie really did know how to win over the parents.

Kenra's father married Claudia when Kenra was barely four years old. Honestly, Claudia is the only mother Kenra has ever known and Dustin feels like her actual brother despite having different mothers. Kenra always treated Dustin like her baby brother and Dustin reciprocated, considering she was there since the moment he was born. She didn't know or care at that age that their blood wasn't a hundred percent the same, and she still doesn't now.

"It was amazing, as always, Mrs. Henderson." Jessie smiled politely at the women. Claudia gushed, as she always did, he was a charmer, how else would he have gotten Kenra to agree to go out with him.

"It's a pleasure having you over, Jessie." Claudia said to the boy as started clearing plates.

Dustin pushed his chair back aggressively. "It's really not." He muttered before bringing his mother his plate.

Kenra set her napkin on the table and stood up from her chair. "I'll be right back." She said to Jessie then she headed into her room. She truly just needed a breather before going to Steve's house tonight. She ran her hands through her hair and covered her chapped lips from chewing them all day in a layer of chapstick.

Her door opened and she wasn't even surprised when Jessie walked in, he'd never been too big on knocking apparently. The second Kenra turned around to look at him, Jessie had his hands on her waist and his lips pressed against hers. She kissed back, as always, fighting to match his fast pace. Jessie's hands drifted from her hips down to where her dress cut off on her thighs, gripping her bare skin tightly, he picked her up and pushed her to sit on top of her desk.

Kenra let her arms wrap around his neck. She never really liked the force in which Jessie kissed her. Though she'd never kissed anyone other than him, she always wondered what it would be like to kiss someone and feel something because of it. The kind of kiss she's read about in some of her favorite books. The kind that would make her heart flutter and make her feel loved. She'd never felt that with Jessie. His touch never gave her butterflies.

Jessie's hands pushed her dress up slightly and Kenra pulled back. Her hands pushed his back down her thighs and away from where they had been moving. "My mom..an-and my brother are here." She said in protest.

"That little jerk just left." Jessie rolled his eyes. "Don't..stop talking about him like that." Kenra told him seriously. She could handle herself being treated poorly, but Kenra would not put up with anyone talking badly about her little brother.

"Come on, Kenra, how long have we been dating?" Jessie looked down at her.

He always managed to make her feel small. "Almost two years." Kenra answered.

Jessie hummed. "And we still haven't had sex." He pointed out. Kenra looked away. This isn't the first time they'd had this conversation. Kenra often wondered if he was only still with her to see if he could take her virginity. In some sort of masochistic way, it seemed like Jessie only went after her those years ago because she had been so young and pure. Nevertheless, he always managed to make her feel bad about not wanting to give herself to him just yet. Maybe not ever.

"We have to go." Kenra said, sliding off of her desk and pulling her dress down, she left her room, walking quickly and hoping he'd simply follow her.

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