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cat eating bastard


Kenra has a shopping problem. It's just when you love clothes as much as she does, it's hard to manage your money and not blow it all on new outfits every change you get. So on this fine Saturday, Kenra woke up early and convinced one of her many, likely fake friends, Lacey, to drive her to the mall. Okay, fake friend might be a bad term, but still this was their first time hanging out in weeks.

"You know, this was really fun." Kenra smiled at Lacey as the girl drove down the road towards the Henderson's house.

Lacey nodded. "Mhm, it was. We should really hang out more often." She told her. Lacey parked her car on the road in front of Kenra's house. The brunette unbuckled her seat belt and opened her door. "Call me anytime, I'm always up to spend money." Kenra said before closing her door and going to the back to grab all of her bags.

She forced all of her bags onto her arms, the weight of the thin paper stings causing sharp indents on her arms. Lacey drove off and Kenra walked up to her house. Her mom's car wasn't there, which she found kind of strange because typically, Claudia likes to do all of her weekend errands on Sunday's because the stores are less busy. Kenra walked into her house. "Dustin? You home?"

"Uh, yeah, just a minute." Dustin called back from what sounded like his room. Kenra walked into her own room and dropped all of her bags on her bed. She walked back out of her room and down the hall. "Hey, where's mom at?" She said, Kenra pushed open Dustin's door and put her hands on either sides of her on the doorframe.

Dustin stood up quickly, he'd been crouched down on the floor scrubbing his carpet in the corner, the wall around it covered in scratch marks. "What the hell happened here?" Kenra asked.

Her brother cringed. "Kenra, it's a long story, but basically, Dart turned out to be a cat eating bastard demogorgon."

Kenra froze. "Did you say cat eating?" Was her only thought. "That thing ate Mews?" She shouted at him.

Dustin nodded with a frown. "I'm sorry, Ken, but right now I need you to help me, because that thing is trapped outside and we only have so much time before mom comes back."

"Where is mom?" Kenra asked again, she was holding her breath to keep from getting emotional. She really loved Mews, she couldn't help but think back to all the time that cat would crawl into her bed, being strangely sweet for a cat.

"I sent her to go look for Mews." Dustin said nonchalantly.

"Dustin!" Kenra yelled.

Dustin sighed and rolled his eyes. "Yes, I know, I'm a terrible person, c'mon." He ushered her back to the corner of his room where Mews had inevitably taken his last breath and where Dustin had been cleaning up the blood.

He had his head set on and had been trying to get ahold of all of his friends for what had felt like hours. "All right, it's Dustin, again. Seriously, I have a code red."

Kenra shook her head as she watched her brother scrub his carpet vigorously. She couldn't even try to think of an idea on what the hell to do about the stupid thing under their house at the moment as her mind was flooded with a million other things. How is she supposed to explain to her mother that they're cat was eaten by some strange creature? "Erica?" Dustin suddenly perked up, Kenra couldn't hear the other end of the radio, but it was clear that Lucas's younger sister had been the one to finally answer. "Erica, is Lucas there? Where is he?"

There was a pause before he spoke again. "Is he with Mike?...Please tell him it's super important. Please tell him I have a code—Yep, code red, exactly." Another moment went by and Dustin's face dropped. "Erica?"

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