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a date?


Steve left the Henderson residence not too long ago. Kenra had moved to the couch and was doing some homework when Dustin finally came home. "Dustin?" Kenra sat up straighter as she watched her brother rush into his room the second he came into the house. "Dustin!" She called again. She pushed her books out of her lap and walked across the house to his room.

"Why are you home so late?" Kenra asked, actually worried considering school ended almost two hours ago. Dustin jumped and turned around quickly when his sister entered his room.

He was standing in front of his turtle's terrarium suspiciously. "I had AV club after school." Kenra looked at him and nodded slowly. She looked around his room, not even actually looking for anything but then she saw Dustin's albino turtle sitting on the floor.

"Dustin? Why is Yurtle out of his tank?" She asked him. Dustin laughed awkwardly.

"No reason, let me just.." Dustin reached down to pick him up and when he bent over Kenra spotted something strange in the terrarium. "What the hell is that?" Kenra said loudly. She walked farther into the room to get a good look at the creature in the tank. It looked strangely like a frog in the way it's body was formed but it also had a strange tail and was a mix of green and orange in color.

"Oh," Dustin chuckled. "Yeah, that's Dart." He said casually.

"What is it?" She asked him.

"I'm not sure. I found him in the trash can outside on Halloween night." Dustin explained briefly.

Kenra's eyes widened. "You found it where?" Dustin opened his mouth to repeat his words and she raised her hand to stop him. "It was rhetorical." Kenra sighed as she looked back at the creature. "If this thing gets really big and takes a nice bite out of you in your sleep, I'm gonna say I told you so." She said before shaking her head and leaving. Kenra was so done with this day.

The next day at school, Kenra had a much better time. She was up on time and didn't feel like a zombie. She also managed to make it to all of her classes rather than just three. It was now almost the end of the day and she was getting all of her things out of her locker. "Hey, princess." Kenra turned around to meet the voice of whoever was deciding to speak to her today.

Ever since Kenra broke up with Jessie, she has gotten a bit more male attention. Most of which she really could give a shit about, she didn't really have any desire for a relationship right now. But still, a lot of guys were too scared of Jessie to even step foot near, still.

Kenra was met with the face of the boy she'd seen at the party the other night. "Hi." She smiled politely. "You know, I, uh, never got your name." It was funny of her to say that too, considering the whole school had been talking about Billy, the new kid coming to school and taking King Steve's reputation from him.

"Billy Hargrove, and you don't have to bother telling me yours, I've already heard plenty about you." Billy said. Kenra nodded, it's not like she was surprised.

"Well, Billy, is there something I can help you with?" She asked him, leaning her body against the lockers.

Billy smirked. "Why yes there is, you could let me take you out." His voice was cocky and conceited. When Billy first saw Kenra at Tina's party the other night he'd actually been drawn to her the way she looked, how free she looked as she danced by herself. But yesterday when he saw Steve talking to her all buddy buddy, he was even more inclined to make a move on her.

Kenra cringed slightly. "Sorry, but I don't do highschool boys anymore." She didn't even think long before she responded with that.

Billy nodded. "Yeah, I heard about that."

"And, no offense, but you don't exactly look like the kind of guy who's looking for a date, and I don't do that, either." Kenra told him seriously, she pushed off of the lockers and started walking away.

Billy turned around to watch her. "Ah, I guess I should have known better than to go after a girl who's already taken."

Kenra stopped and turned around. "I'm perfectly single." She corrected him.

Billy chuckled with a nod. "How 'bout you just give it a chance? You may have fun, y'know." He said.

Kenra looked down for a moment and shook her head, she couldn't believe she was doing this. "Okay, fine, sure." Billy smirked. "Atta girl." He walked by her, "See you this weekend, beautiful." He called over his shoulder and Kenra couldn't help but smile a bit at the endearing word. Every girl likes to be called beautiful every once and a while, right?


sorry this is so short, i'll publish the next ch in a little cause i just have to edit it now. any thoughts on this story so far? i'd love to hear some feedback haha :)

thanks for reading <3

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