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Evan's Point Of View

We were lost, to put it simple. The tour bus broke down on the side of the road, and a group of us decided to walk onward in hopes of finding a town close by. However on are way to where ever the wind took us, one of the "team members" saw something in the woods.

"Did you see that? Looked to be a person." A burly man stated.
"Should we check it out, maybe they know where the nearest town is." In hope of finding help the six of us agreed.
With nothing to lose, we went of the trail and into the forest. What seemed to be hours passed, until we heard an abnormal growl.

Now me being a solid 5'0 I have no chance at a fight so I hid behind the closest person.
"W-What in the hell was that?" I stated shivering from the cold.
"Probably just a wolf or wild dog" The only other women of the "team" stated with soft but stern tone. She noticed me shivering and pulled a blanket out of her satchel. Handing it to me while saying,
"Look, they guy or whoever that was you saw isn't here anymore, let's just head back the way we ca-" she was cut off by the burly man yelling "RUN!" Thats when we all saw a wolf, no a human, whatever it was it was coming right towards us. The women with the satchel grabbed ahold of my hand and ran to where we thought the path was.

As we were running we heard more growls and soon horrid screams. I looked back only to see one of the men being pulled apart. And with the image, that horrible image stuck in my head I began to slip into my headspace. The women was cursing under breath and stating that we didn't go to far into the woods so the path should be up ahead soon.

We both looked up in hope, as we saw a clearing in the trees. What we thought would be the path ended up being a castle.
"What the, how in the world?" I stated after realizing the growls and screams stoped. We slowed down almost to a near stop, when we saw a shadowy figure in the window. Thats how close we were to the Castle.
"Girl, Where are the others?"
"Others?" I question before realizing no one else was with us. I abruptly pulled my hand away from hers when I recalled the man being pulled apart.

The lady I came to know as Carmen claimed that we should go ask for help seeing as someone was in the castle. I however had a entirely bad feeling when approaching the castle. Carmen seemed to be unfazed with the deafening silence. And As we grew closer, I again saw the figure from the window, but this time the shadow look massive, or rather very tall.

This added to my other fear of slipping. Now was not the time to slip and become a bratty three year old. With that thought I shook my head, and continued forward with carmen ahead of me seeing as she was 5'9 and built. Before we could even knock the very large front door opened.

Standing in front of us was a very tall women with a sadistic grin.
"My my my, and might who you two be?" She asked while leaning down to Carmen's level. I was in pure shock with this women height. It made me want to slip so badly, and with that I started squirming. That however caught the attention of the very tall lady, the lady just smiled, this time however it seemed gentle and kind. Before the lady could speak, Carmen spoke up, going on about everything not forgetting one event that had played out today.
"Oh your poor dears, how about you stay the night, and we can continue this conversation tomorrow, because its seems that little one is trying to hold in her yawns." The lady of the castle claimed. While directing her attention towards me again.
—wait little one, she doesn't know does she, how would she know I didn't slip. I won't slip.—
I smile sheepishly, while suppressing another yawn. The two of them continue to talk once were brought inside. Meanwhile a maid was tasked with bring me to one of the guest rooms to I could finally get some sleep. The days events were finally catching up with me and I was tired.

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