A week later

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Evans point of view

The lady of the castle had offered Carmen and I a job seeing as the rest of the group was gone and we had no way back. Its been a week now and most the maids stay away from my in particular. They have no issue with Carmen, however With me they see me as a nuisance mainly because they lady has taken an interest in me. That being said whenever I finish my work I get to hang out with the lady's daughter. I honestly think thats what gets the other maids mad. Seeing as the get chased around, while I chase the sisters.

"Evan. Hello, care to play hide and seek?" Its always Dani who asks me.
"I see why not, but this time no listening to my heart beat."
"Awww, whats the fun in that?"
"Dani, she has a point we always find her first." Bela said while materializing.
"Fine fine. If we cant use your heart beat, than you have to stay on one floor." Daniela tried to negotiate.
" o-okay, where is Cassan-"
The next thing you know I'm jumping into Danis arms while screaming.
"Cassandra why would you do that?" I say while clinging to Dani.
Dani in the meantime is trying to pull me off of her.
"For such a tiny mortal, you sure have a tight grip."
"Seriously Cassandra you are very immature." Bela says while pulling me off of Dani and setting me on the floor.
"Are we playing hide and seek or not?" Cassandra asked with annoyance lacing her voice.
"Actually I have somethings to do, I think I should go." I know i'm being dramatic about her scaring me, but she made me almost slip, loud noises are my arch enemy. Without giving any of them time to answer back I was gone. I could still here them bickering in the background.

I felt bad for just leaving, but I just need time to get back into my big headspace. Being in the castle for a week has made me even more scared, mainly because the maids tend to shove me around, talk about me behind my back, get me in trouble with the head maid. Honestly it just gives me another excuse not to slip. The main reason, i'm not a baby. I haven't slipped in a month and half. Which considering everything thats happened, I am very impressed with myself.

Walking past the kitchen I overheard some maids talking about me. As me being me I wasn't interested. Thats when I left. I continue on towards my room, until I noticed the head maid standing outside of the door. I must of made some sound, because she turned around. She was fuming, and when I got close enough she yanked me by the hand while dragging me inside my room. This was going to be a long night, and with my headspace on the verge of slipping I was panicking.

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