Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

There were a few turning points in my life. Most of them were not exactly happy moments, like losing my brother and learning that I had a condition called AVM which for me meant that I had a malformation of blood vessels in my brain that could cause disruption of blood flow or even in worst cases aneurysms.

Those were definitely bad turning points.

But there were happier ones too, like this one, this morning.

The girl of my dreams, the one I'd been pinning for, for the last seven years, my Great Pumpkin, was now my girlfriend.

In the span of one weekend, what I had thought was the end of us, became a new beginning.

And now, I was picking Lexi up to go to school together as an official couple.

This was bound to create a reaction.

I was actually standing by the door now, while two Graysons were running around their house like headless chickens.

"I don't understand. I told you guys I was going to be there in fifteen minutes. In general, you should have been ready by now. What happened? Did you both oversleep?"

"Shut up. Shutupshutupshutup," Lexi was telling me, coming back from running upstairs after realizing she'd forgotten her school bag there.

I'd seen Tyler, her little brother, run into the kitchen with his toothbrush in his mouth.

"You guys are a mess," I pointed out.

"SHUTUP!" Tyler yelled, running out of the kitchen and sprinting back upstairs.

I distinctively heard him miss a step and then fall and swear.

I snorted, pressing my lips together to keep from laughing.

The Graysons were really a mess in the morning. It greatly entertained me.

Lexi was trying to put her shoes on, but because she was doing it in a hurry, she was just struggling with the shoelaces.

And now Tyler was coming back downstairs with his bags in his hands, and then just grabbed his shoes from the ground.

"Let's go, letsgoletsgoletsgo!" he pressed, pushing on my arm.

"Aren't you gonna put your shoes on?" I asked, letting myself be pushed out.

"In the car, in the car, go, go, go," he just replied, so I laughed again and headed to the driver's side of my car.

When both Graysons were safely sitting in my car, and we were driving away, asked, "Is it gonna be like this every morning when I come pick you up? You guys weren't like this last time with Josh."

"We over slept," Lexi just replied, like that explained it all.

"She came to wake me up and fell asleep beside me," Tyler continued.

"And Dad was already gone to work because he had a meeting so there was no one to wake us up again on time," Lexi added.

I tried to not laugh but failed. After chuckling, I pointed out, "You know, there's this wonderful invention called an alarm clock. It's super effective. I even hear that kids these days use their phone as an alarm. It's like a cool thing you can do with them apparently."

"I don't believe in alarm clocks," Tyler said from the back seat. I looked at him through the rear-view mirror and could see him pouting a little with his arms crossed.

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