Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I was in the dark, tucked in Lexi's bed.

"So, twenty questions, let's go," I whispered, lying on my stomach, my arm around Lexi's waist, our faces close.

"Wait, I'm not ready," she chuckled.


"Well, what am I supposed to ask?"

I made a shocked face at her. "Hey, you're the one who proposed the twenty questions, I'm just playing along."

Lexi brushed her fingers softly on my arm that was wrapped around her. "Well, I mean, all I can think about is the silly stuff like when's your birthday, and what's your favorite color or your favorite book, and I already know all that stuff."

I moved my head a little on the pillow to get a better look at her, smiling. "So, what you're saying is that you already think you know me enough and you don't need to ask me twenty questions?"

"For some reason, I feel like I should be telling you to shut up right now and slap you," she replied, rolling her yes.

I chuckled again, trying not to be too noisy and get ourselves in trouble with her dad. "Manhandling, yes. Always."

"Do you actually like the manhandling?" she asked as took her hand in mine and kissed her knuckles.

I wanted to properly kiss her, but I knew that if I did, I'd be way too distracted to keep up with this conversation.

I was not the strongest soldier when it came to Lexi Grayson, regardless of how many privileges I had.

"First question, excellent. It's definitely a conversation to have with my therapist," I admitted.

She would probably think I was joking. I was kind of being honest though.

"This is getting into kinky territory," Lexi pointed out, and I could swear that if the lights were on, her cheeks would be red.

I knew mine probably were.

"Yes, this is getting into kinky territory," I replied.

Yep, definitely red.

"Is this something we should be asking each other about?" she asked softly.

"You wanna know if you're going to need to punch me in bed?"

"Well, that is a reasonable question."

I chuckled, pressing my forehead on the side of her head. "You won't need to punch me in bed."

"Any like weird thing I should know? You know about my chest obsession. It should be fair I'd know about yours."

Her obsession with my chest was unparalleled. As much as I loved her, I didn't think I could ever rival with her when it came to being obsessed with one specific part of her.

My obsession was with Lexi as a whole after all.

But also, this conversation was definitely getting dangerous. Did she really want us to talk about that right now?

"You really want to make sure I'm not gonna fall asleep tonight, is that it?"

"Just genuinely curious."

"Okay, so..." I started to mumbled, having a hard time finding the right words, "to be perfectly honest, I don't actually know. I don't think there's anything specifically weird I like. I... guess... like anything sex related was always very... I don't know how to put it, but it was like, it was happening, but I wasn't actually there. It wasn't... right? I don't know how to phrase it."

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