Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

I woke up with a wicked headache too early in the morning.

All the crying and worrying and freaking out had hurt me.

I felt exhausted and the pounding in my head really didn't help.

Lexi was still hugging me, still sleeping.

We were supposed to go to school, but I really didn't have it in me right now.

And I knew I didn't have anything too important to do at school today, so I could skip without getting into too much trouble.

So, I let myself fall back asleep, hoping the headache might be a little bit more bearable if I was more rested.

I woke up again to the sound of her alarm, my head still pounding, the sun coming through the cracks of her window blinds feeling like a personal attack.

Lexi turned off her alarm, and probably felt my flinching because she asked softly, "How are you feeling?"

"Like my head is about to explode," I admitted, not wanting to hid anything from her. I wasn't feeling good. I wasn't going to act like I was.

"Oh no. Bad headache?" Lexi asked, sitting up, her eyes worried.

"Yeah," I replied, rubbing my fingers on my temples, like that could change anything.

"Wait a second," my Pumpkin said, getting up.

I wanted to whine about her leaving the bed. Her warmth was comforting, and I felt safe in her arms.

She headed to the bathroom and came back quickly.

"Here," she said, giving me a bottle of my prescribed pills and a glass of water. I'd left medication for my headaches at her place in case something like this happened.

I was grateful for the foresight.

She came back in bed with me, and hugged me again.

"I think I'm going to skip school today," I mumbled, smothered into my girlfriend's arms.

I hated the fact that somehow, I felt so comfortable and safe in her arms, but I somehow unconsciously thought being with her could feel like being with Kendall.

Being with Lexi felt nothing like being with Kendall.

Maybe Doctor Boseman was completely wrong.

Or maybe I had absolutely no control over how my brain dealt with trauma.

The second option was pretty annoying.

"Do you want me to stay with you and play nurse?" she asked. I wasn't sure if she was joking about that last part or serious.

"No, you should go to school. I don't want your dad to scold me," I admitted.

"I'm sure he'd be okay with me missing a day of school," Lexi argued.

"But I wouldn't. Anyway, there's nothing much for you to do. I'll try to sleep it off," I said.

I didn't want her to have to take care of me all the time. She'd already done a lot. Sleeping more and the pills would help.

And being in my girlfriend's bed might help too.

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