Chapter 5

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                                                                                                 Omg— Get out. S-Sorry—

-Second person POV

As the handsome boys awoke in Yaeko's apartment, they were surprised to find the girl already working on her bike. „Don't you sleep or something?" Vinny asked in a raspy morning voice. The girl didn't bother do turn around. „I actually didn't."

As Vinny and Jay shot a look in Minu's direction, they could see the guilt in his eyes. „It's not because of Minu. What he did only costed me 30 -40 minutes. I just have to get this done before I start my project for the competition."

„Why? You have a bike don't you? So you don't have to worry about the bike." Minu questioned carefully. „Yea, but I don't like to leave my art projects unfinished if I already invested as much time. I think I'll have this finished by the day after tomorrow. Thats when I'll need you two."

That's when she turned around to look at Vinny and Jay. After a short pause she asked them if they were hungry. „Ahh yesss!" Minu exclaimed what the trio thought. „Alright..." Yaeko went to the kitchen and prepared a small breakfast.

„I don't care what you do. But I'll be out of here by 2.00 pm and you will be too." The boys obediently nodded. As they ate, she began dealing with their laundry. She had thrown it in the dryer as the boys were asleep.

As she had folded everything neatly she put everything out for them. They'd have to figure out what belongs to whom themselves. Why am I doing this again? Ah yes... Vinny's money problem... she had to remind herself to why she let strangers sleep at her home.

It was currently 10.00 am. She had four hours to go. She might take a Power Nap and get ready afterwards... But the boys came to her mind. It wouldn't be very polite to sleep while they were here. Ughhh... She decided to work on her bike before she got ready.

Luckily as she worked she didn't feel as tired. It was always like this. While she was working on art, she never seemed hungry or tired at all. And since she pulled theses all nighters on a regular base just to go to work or school right after, the girl was kind of used to it.

Her phone buzzed at 1.00 pm. She had set a timer so she would have enough time to shower and get ready. As she got up and made her way to her room she saw the boys playing Mario cart. She hadn't noticed their screaming and bickering as she was to invested in her art. Well... Vinny and Minu were playing. Jay had a book infront of his nose.

She silently went to the bathroom. She heard the boys yelling at eachother. Something surprised her. The girl wasn't annoyed at all. She never had many friends since she moved to Korea. This was unfamiliar but not as bad as she had imagined. Shaking her head she got undressed and showered.

By the time she got out it was 01.15 pm. The pale girl did some skin care while only in her underwear. As Ko was done she sprayed something in her hair and was about to brush it out as suddenly the bathroom door opened. She jumped and her head shot to the door. It was Vinny. His eyes wide and a deep red blush on his face.

The two stared at eachother for what felt like forever. „I- I'm sorry. I didn't know—„ „Get out." She hissed. He swallowed nodded and hastily shut the door. She never locked the door since she lived alone anyway. What an uncomfortable situation...

When she had dried her hair and put on some clothes she left the bathroom and went downstairs. The guys were still playing. It was 01.35 by now as she had not hurried.

„What do you plan to do now?" She asked the boys. The turned to her. „Probably meet with Dom and June to prepare." Minu just shrugged. Vinny looked at her and quickly looked at the ground out of embarrassment. Pff cute... Wait no— shocked at her own thoughts she quickly averted her eyes away from his messy red curls.

Jay looked at her with his Smokey eyes. The deep black color of his eyes finally seemed to come to life. He still had this monotonous expression but his eyes... they didn't seem as dull anymore. Unconsciously the two stared at each other.

The eye contact they had only being broken 'cause of Vinny who screamed at the screen. That caused them both to look at what happened. Vinny was about to win but a blue shell had hit him. Minu raced past him along with two NPC's. Ko chuckled lightly and turned to pack herself some food.

She was caught up in packing herself some kimchi from yesterday as the scent radiated through the apartment. „What are you eating Yae?" Minus voice was heard. „Yae?" She asked about her nickname. „Better than always calling you Yaeko." „Yea no. Don't" She argued. It was a sweet thing but she preferred Ko. Not that she really minds but it was kinda surprising that someone suddenly called her by nicknames.

„Are we not allowed to give you nicknames?" She rolled her eyes. „Whatever, do as you please." her annoyed voice was heard. Satisfied with the answer Minu grinned to himself and gave the other two males a thumbs up.

As she had packed her lunchbox, she got back to the boys, grabbing her back and stuffing things into it. „You ready to leave?" She casually asked. They nodded and got up. Grabbing their stuff and walking towards the door.

Yuji came to say goodbye, snuggling on Ko's leg. She petted his head. Jay crouched down and petted the cat aswell. It was a nice image. She memorized it well. Maybe she could paint this.

As everyone made their way to the elevator Vinny argued with Minu about Mario cart. Jay was silently following after them with Ko.

In the garage they grabbed their bikes and went outside. „Let's accompany Yae to her work." Said girl shot him a glare. „No thanks." she denied his ‚offer'. „Aww come on. Let us be gentleman." She sighed and rolled her eyes. „God fine." Minu grinned proudly.

While cycling Ko took the lead. It didnt take long to arrive. A nice tattoo studio was infront of them. „We're here. You can do you now." The girl stated. „Alr. See you later. I'll send you the address and the time again." Jay spoke and the girl nodded.

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