Chapter 6

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                                                                                                 You got that, little doll?

-Second person POV

Yaeko calmly entered the studio and greeted Saem. „Ahh Ko! How is it? You look tired girl." „Everything's fine, how about you?" She brushed his concern off. „Sure... I went on a date yesterday. The girl didn't look like her pictures at all. Not that it matters what she looks like. Just the fact that she faked it is kind of a red flag for me. She was kinda weird as well sooo..."

The slim girl chuckled. Her boss wasn't much older than her and women threw themselves at him... „Damn dude... Sounds like you didn't score there, huh?" He chuckled just like she did before. „Well if I don't find someone, I'll just introduce you to my mother so she stops bugging me." He joked around.

Little did the girl know: he always tried flirting with her. She just never realized. It's Not like she was interested in him which would make her miss a chance... but it was always disappointing for him. Maybe this was the reason why he never had long relationships if he had one. Maybe she was the reason no woman convinced him but he still didn't act like a jackass of some sort. He never came off as a womanizer who winked and grinned at every girl or lady that passed by.

The younger girl just fascinated him. Her extraordinary hair. Her obsession with art. Her unique looks. Her rejective actions towards any guy. Her Smokey eyes. Her personality coming of as rude, even if she was actually kind and how she was introverted and lacked social skills. The monotonous expression that he was able to change into a small chuckle or smile. He felt the need to have her. Not sexually but romantically.

But it wasn't possible. The age difference being the smallest problem. He was 2 and a half years older. Being her boss also isn't the biggest deal. But the way she titled him as older brother and always called him ‚dude' and ‚bro', was a problem.

As he thought that, Yaeko noticed his change of emotion. „You good? Was it that depressing?" She jokingly asked. Saem was ripped back into reality. He just smiled at her and shook his head. „Yea, probably." He just said, which didn't make sense in Ko's mind, but she just ignored it...

„Aight', I have to set my stuff up. I have the client from yesterday again." The girl excused herself and got to her room.

It was 2.55 pm when she decided to go to the entrance and wait for the tall man to enter the studio.

Yaeko took out her phone. Scrolling through instagram. She heard the door ring as it opened. Her eyes shot up from her phone. The shorter guy with the orange glasses was there aswell Again. „Ah, hi." the slim girl greeted them. „Sup'" the shorter one lifted his hand and grinned at her.

„Let's head to the back, shall' we?" She invited them to follow her to the back as the two followed silently. „Alright please do the same thing you did yesterday." Ko requested. The handsome man nodded and took of his shirt.

As Yaeko was one hour into the tattoo, the guy with the orange glasses suddenly asked her a question. „Do you have a few tattoo ideas or something? Like a book or so?" Her hands stopped working for a second. „Uhh sure. Right next to you." „Hmm.. a yes thanks angel." He hummed. Did he just— I'll just ignore that.

As Yaeko got back to her work, the guy with the yellow glasses smirked as she just ignored him and didn't even get startled or nervous. The tall man shot him a glare. Which made the shorter grin even wider.

As the guy looks through the catalogue, he suddenly started talking again. „So, what's you name if I may ask." Ko wasn't interested in small talk but he kind of was a customer of some sort, so whatever. „Yaeko Baek. How about you guys?" „My name is wooin." the shorter male said.

„Call me Joker." The man underneath her needle said. She was surprised but did her best at hiding it. „Soo... Yaeko. I can't really guess your age. You could be 20 and a model, or 17 and a high school student." Swallowing a comment, she chose peace and a casual answer. „I'm 17." She just monotonously answered.

„Hmm... Life must be very busy if you do this and school. Not much space for other activities, I believe?" His words were like the ones of a snake. Dangerous and always a certain venom hidden inside. She swallowed. Nothin to loose if she told the truth... „Well. Actually i paint and cycle in my self created free time that doesn't actually exist." „Thats interesting. We like biking too." He said kindly. It didn't feel genuine, but so what.

„Oh really? Thats cool." She just said, being kinda absent. It was a difficult part of the tattoo. „This might hurt a bit." She more like whispered than actually said. The man didn't flinch at all. She was a bit impressed but didn't show it.

As Wooin felt like he could grab a bit of her attention again he also started talking. „So, you cycle with your girl friends?" „Nah, mostly alone. But I just met some idiots who might be kinda good at it. No harm if they accompany me from time to time." She was still rather focused on her doing so she didn't really think about what she was answering.

Wooin chuckled. „Sounds like their boys, if you have a boyfriend- is he fine with that?" „Oh, I don't have a boyfriend." A smirk was visible on Wooin's face once more. „Wow, that surprises me. An angel like you should have a boyfriend." „Nah not really. I'm good." He sighed and decided to look through the catalogue some more.

It was 6.12 pm when the girl was done. She wiped the paint once more and looked at her masterpiece. Satisfied with the results she spoke. „Alright! Should be good. Take a look in the mirror please." Joker got up and looked in the mirror. „It's better than I thought, thank you." His deep voice reached her ears and it send a shiver down her spine. „Ahh thank you." Was the automatic response.

„Okay... let me foil you up..." She said, concentrated on her work once more. Her fingers slightly grazed his skin and he shuddered under her touch. The fingers were cold but the touch still felt warm.

„This should be good. I see you have multiple tattoos already so you know how to take care of fresh ones and stuff?" He nodded. „Perfect. Do you need anything else?" He could tell she was in work mode. Suddenly a voice interrupted. „Sorry, but where are the bathrooms?" Wooin asked.

„Go left, last door on the right is for men." The pale girl explained.

„I need that stuff you put on when they're not completely healed yet." The girl nodded and Joker watched her slim body walk through the room and grab something. She placed it in his hand. „Usually this costs 13500 Won (It's like 10 euro or 10,42 dollar, i googled), but since I tattooed on you for about 5,5 hours, you get it for free." she stated. „I'll pay." He bluntly stated. The girl shook her head no. „Thats kind, but you don't have to." She said, kinda denying the ‚offer'.

He stepped closer. „I'll pay, got that little doll?" The slim girl felt small next to him, but didn't budge. She didn't want to come of as rude so she just nodded. „Good." He said. „Alright... I'll check you out then."

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