Chapter 13

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That vicious grin... and those mad eyes...

I apologize for not posting... I started this while I was on vacation with my family and didn't expect it to get much attention. When I opened Wattpad rn (2 am where I live) I was surprised and I wanted to thank ya'll! I will do my best to upload more in the time coming. I'm a bit off story after the time not working on this story, if there are any confusing things rn please bare with me.. It'll get better soon. Also rn in the story it's sunday evening.

-Second person POV

As Jay and Ko arrived at the familiar building the girl called home, they put their bikes away and went into the Appartement.

„Schools tomorrow." Jay reminded the girl without any context. She gave him a confused look. „I am able to count seven days in a week. Thanks." The handsome boy ignored her dry remark. „What are you going to tell Minu and the others?" „What are you talking about?"

Both knew she was acting dumb so Jay turned to her from the couch he was sitting on. Staring at her through his dark Smokey eyes. The girl in response rolled her own eyes and sighed.

„I will at least come to watch you. But I don't think its cool if I just join the competition. I didn't take any part in your achievements till now." The girl gave him a more satisfying response. „I don't think that matters..." Jay mumbled more to himself than to her.

„Am I correct in the assumption that you're staying the night?" Ko asked into the up coming silence. Jay shrugged and wanted to say something but she interrupted him before he could speak. „Alr, take the guest room then... I'm going to paint."

He didn't respond, just nodded.

Yaeko didn't bother looking after what the boy in her living room was doing. The chances were 1 to 100000 that he was doing something other than studying.

Her current concern was something completely different. Wooin still had an appointment and wanted a Yakuza-inspired tattoo.  A similar wish as Joker had once proposed. But at the moment when she thought about the tattoo she could only think about Wooin and his yellow glasses.

That vicious grin that lingered on his lips every goddamn time he made some flirty comments. And Joker. Always standing tall but relaxed beside him. Always giving calm and mad vibes at the same time. Always having a cold expression which seemed to hide so much more.

The man didn't even flinch at while she was tattooing him. As that thought took place in her head, she automatically thought about his naked Torso as he was laying on her tattoo-table. She swallowed hard at the thought. A small blush creeping on her ever so monotonous face.

Yaeko mentally scolded herself and gripped the pen in her hand harder. God. What is wrong with me. Usually her interests when it came to clients were only about giving her art more form and making some money. She never got distracted by such things.

After some more time passed, which she spend in her own headspace between absolute nothing and thinking about the two mysterious and kind of handsome males, she threw her pencil on the wooden table. The many pencils and other art tools rattled in their neatly organized spaces as her hand flew right after the pencil.

She didn't bother looking at the time, knowing it was too late. Jay must be asleep already since the lights were out. A sigh escaped her tempting lips. Picking up the pencil, Yaeko already fumbled with her jeans. As she walked into her room she immediately threw away the pants and plopped into the bed.

Ko rubbed her eyes before she unclipped her bra underneath her shirt and threw it after the pants. The girl was mad at herself for not even starting what she wanted to do. And she knew she would spend her time at school tomorrow With drawing a tattoo design. Saem had messaged her that Wooin would be there on Wednesday.

Two days left... She was already stressing out about it. Yaeko just wished for sleep and rest and forced the thoughts out of her head. Closing her mind while refusing to let any concern stop her from sleeping felt way too good and luckily made it easier for her.

Ko's alarm went off at 7.00 AM after she had paused it too often. Cussing under her breath, the girl stumbled into her bathroom and showered quickly. Looking into the mirror told her enough about how much sleep she had gotten. She decided to let a little concealer fix it.

At 7.30 she was mostly done in the bathroom. Ko rushed to her closet to grab her school uniform (I can't decide on what type of closet Yaeko shall have, walk in or a ‚normal' one? You guys tell me).

She grabbed her phone which was almost always put on work mode. Only messages from her aunt, Saem and the school were shown. The weather app told her it would be chilly outside.

Ko grabbed some black tights and threw on the black skirt as she suddenly hear rummaging downstairs. For a moment she halted, then she remembered Jay was present.

Moving on, the slim girl reached for the blouse and blazer hanging in her closet. Thats when she noticed a stain on the Balzer. Cursing herself for not already washing her substitute, she threw it in the washing box.

Ko rummaged through her closet and pulled out a white top and a thick black hooded jacket. It had some red writing on it. For a brief moment she thought about the matching jackets Team Hummingbird had.

Ignoring the thought about owning one, the girl slipped it on and walked down the few steps to the kitchen and living area. Jay sat there and ate. She had told him to just do as he pleases and make himself at home.

The boy had promised her to stay at Vinny's tonight even tho she had offered him to stay at her place and telling him she didnt mind. She really didn't. Ko never had much company since she moved back here from Russia. He wasn't loud or annoying either. Just present.

Her Smokey eyes would never let him be able to tell, but she kind of enjoyed it. Jay ate cornflakes while Yaeko packed up lunch for the both of them. „Bike?" the handsome boy simply asked into the quiet space. „Sure." Ko replied, lost in thought.

She unconsciously sucked on her bottom lip, tasting the light lipgloss she had aplied. As she placed Jay lunchbox on the table, he was already checking if he had everything else packed.

Ko decided to shove a half prepared bread down her throat and at 7.50 AM they grabbed their bikes and left for school.

It all happened so casually Ko didn't seem to quite notice it, till they arrived at school and locked up their bikes.

Jay had noticed her being a little absent but didn't mention it. He could tell that she didn't get much sleep.

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