chapter one

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the spotify playlist for this story is linked. a song for each chapter, the playlist will be updated with a new song each time i publish a new chapter. ideally, you should listen to the song as you read the chapter... it's like the chapter theme or whatever (:


A small smile crawled upon Iris' features once she felt the alcohol ‌settle within her. She picked up the red solo cup before her, taking another gulp from it, letting the rum and coke mixture flow down her throat.

It was the first party of her junior year of college, and Iris had made a vow that this year will be different. Long gone were the weekends that she spent cooped up in her room alone, watching old Disney shows.

This year, she was going to be out. She was going to be about.

Iris was already halfway through her college career and felt she needed to experience college as it really was. Not the water-downed version ‌she had been living for the past few years.

Iris took in the party scene around her. People crowded the room of the apartment. The lights were dim and there was music blaring all around.

Most people were dancing, some were standing around just talking. Then, of course, there were the "wall-monkeys": random dudes leaning against the wall doing nothing.

Then there was her, Iris, seated on a lone couch in the room's corner, silently sipping on her drink. All she needed was a little courage to calm her usual raging anxiety, and the alcohol had definitely provided her with that.

Iris rose from the couch, making her way through the bodies of people on her way to the dance floor.

"Oh my gosh, Iris, is that you?"

Iris turned to see Cathy. They had been in the same Astronomy class last semester and being the only two black people in the class; they had instantly hit it off. Cathy and Iris weren't necessarily friends, more like 'acquaintances', but Iris' eyes still lit up once they settled on Cathy.

Iris attended a Predominantly White Institution for College, so being one of the few black people in a classroom was a common occurrence.

"Hey!" Iris said, relief flooding over her at seeing a familiar face. "How are you?"

"I'm good," Cathy exclaimed, her small eyes lighting up, and her afro-twist out, fanning her head like a mane. She was pretty short and Iris had to bend over slightly to hear her above the music. "I wasn't expecting to see you here. I'm so glad you could make it to the Birthday Party."

Iris nodded, a smile lighting up on her face.

"I'm happy to be here too, who's birthday is it?"

Iris wasn't sure if that was the right question to ask. Was it weird showing up at a birthday party when you didn't know whose birthday it was?. But then again, it was college. Most times, birthday parties usually just meant a party hosted by someone with a birthday.

"One of my roommates, Mikayla," Cathy exclaimed. She didn't seem at all bothered by the question, which filled Iris with relief. "Let me introduce you."

Without waiting for a response, Cathy took hold of Iris and began leading her through the crowds of people. Iris had to admit, for a 4 feet, 9 inches person, Cathy was very good at pushing her way through crowds.

Iris quickly took another gulp out of her drink, finishing the contents of her cup before discarding it on a table nearby. Her head was spinning, but it was a good buzz. She was happy. This was what college was all about. Going to parties, meeting new people, having fun.

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