chapter forty-eight

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Iris burst out of the Biology lecture hall. Her eyes scanned the crowds of people huddled outside of the lecture theatre till they came to rest on the familiar mane of curly red hair.

Without wasting time, and dodging through the bodies of people, Iris made her way to Adi.

"So," she began, "how did you find the exam?"

Iris looked at Adi expectantly with wide eyes. They had just finished taking their Biology Final exam, and both girls had been in the library till the late hours of the night, studying for the exam.

Adi grinned widely. "I think it went well."

"Really?" Iris asked, her eyes opening even wider as excitement coursed through her.

Adi nodded, her grin growing even wider.

"I mean, it was a bit scary initially, but I got through it. After all, I don't think there's anything scarier than when I met your mom, a biology final pales in comparison."

It was Iris's turn to grin as she remembered Adi's encounter with her mom a couple of weeks ago when she had shown up at her apartment unexpectedly.

Iris hadn't realized how dire the situation would be. Truth be told, she was still floating on cloud nine from her interaction with Adi back on the hill. Her mom immediately began drilling into Adi, asking her a million and one questions as if they were in an interview.

Outwardly, Adi had remained composed, answering all of Iris's mom's rapid-fire questions, but deep inside, she was freaking out.

"Sorry about that," Iris said, laughing slightly as she remembered the encounter, "but trust me, my mom loves you." Iris meant it. It was clear her mom loved Adi, just like Iris had told Adi she would.

"Well, I'm thankful for that," Adi said, bringing her thumb up to brush the side of Iris's cheek gently. "I'm even more grateful for my wonderful biology tutor. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure I would have failed the final."

Iris smiled, her skin where Adi was touching suddenly felt warm.

Adi smiled down at Iris, her eyes as gentle as her fingers.

"What about you?" Adi finally asked, "how are you feeling about the final?"

A brief feeling of nervousness passed over Iris as Adi's question seemed to bring her back to reality.

"I just hope I get an A," Iris said. "I need an A in this course in order to finalize my major switch to Marine Biology. Biology is something that I'm usually pretty good at, but my grades slipped a bit recently, and I need this final to make up for it."

Adi nodded in understanding. "I'm sure you have nothing to worry about," Adi said, affirming her. She bent down, placing a small kiss on Iris' forehead, and Iris instantly felt the familiar comfort that Adi brought spread all over her.

The girls stood like that for a few moments longer. Iris thought to herself that she could get lost in Adi's eyes. It didn't matter that they were out in public or that there were other people around. Being with Adi, and looking into Adi's eyes, was like being in a trance. A trance that Iris never wanted to break free of.

"Hey," Adi said softly, "you have your therapy session soon."

"Oh shit," Iris mumbled to herself, as she glanced at a clock nearby, "you're right. I should probably get going."

"Okay," Adi said. She lowered her head once again, placing a chaste kiss on Iris' forehead. "I'll pick you up from yours tonight at 7."

Iris nodded, and both girls parted ways.

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