chapter nineteen

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Adi was true to her word and paid for the tattoo. It was a small and pretty simple tattoo, so it wasn't too expensive. But still, Iris appreciated it nonetheless.

"So you mean after I get a tattoo that isn't just it? I still have to go clean it and moisturize it and stuff?" Iris asked as they walked out of the tattoo studio.

"Yes, Iris," Adi replied for what felt like the fifth time already. "There's an aftercare process and you've got to follow it so your tattoo doesn't get infected and can heal right."

Adi reached over, handing the sheet of paper containing the aftercare tattoo instructions to Iris. To which Iris groaned, as she glanced at the instructions written out on the paper.

"It's honestly not that bad," Adi said, noticing the expression on Iris' face, "and it's just for a couple of weeks."

Iris glanced at Adi then, looking at her right arm, covered in tattoos. She had never really looked at it up close and now took in the colors and intricate designs.

"Your tattoos are really cool," Iris said honestly, "I love the colors and stuff."

"Thank you," Adi replied, taking in the tattoos on her arm as well. "It took me a while to find a tattoo artist that could properly tattoo color on dark skin."

Iris nodded in understanding. Although she knew little about tattoos, she knew that finding tattoo artists that properly tattooed color on dark skin could be hell.

"What do your tattoos mean?" Iris asked as they approached Adi's car in the parking lot.

"Why do they have to mean anything? Maybe I just had money on me and nobody to stop me at the time," Adi replied, holding open the passenger seat of the car for Iris.

Iris narrowed her eyes slightly, cocking her head to the side. Adi opening the passenger seat of the car was a nice gesture. A really really nice gesture. Almost romantic, but Iris knew exactly who it was she was dealing with, and she doubted that Adi had a bone of romance in her body.

"That's true. But is that the case? Do none of your tattoos have any significance to you?"

"Are you gonna get in the car, homegirl? Or do I just stand here holding the door open like your chauffeur?"

Iris narrowed her eyes once again, but got into the car. She watched Adi as the red-haired girl closed the car door and made her way to the other side. She realized Adi was avoiding answering Iris' question, which obviously made Iris even more curious.

"Speaking of tattoos, I think we should celebrate you getting your first tattoo with some food," Adi said.

Iris was feeling euphoric at that moment. She had just gotten her first tattoo and had done so on a whim, which was so uncharacteristic of her. Iris quickly nodded her head in agreement as Adi backed out of the parking lot.

Iris hadn't forgotten the fact that Adi had avoided her question, but kept her burning questions filed away in the back of her head for now. After all, she had not told Adi the true meaning of the tattoo that she had gotten either.

The girls decided to get some food through a drive-through and eat in Adi's car, rather than actually going into a restaurant.

"I rarely eat fast food, but I guess this is a special occasion," Adi announced as they pulled up to the drive-through window.

Of course, Adi didn't eat fast food. It probably went against her whole gym-girl aesthetic. But instead of rolling her eyes, Iris found herself smiling. It was nice knowing that Adi was making exceptions for her. No matter how little it seemed.

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