Chapter Thirty

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    Emily had gotten letters from everyone about the wedding multiple times. As the weeks went by, Emily had began to feel more and more nervous. She wasn't getting cold feet or anything, but she was just a little nervous about having a wedding that wasn't ruined. She had started to hear hushed word that You-Know-Who's followers were getting him back. She always knew the Malfoys and many other pure blood families were Death Eaters, but she didn't know just how many.

      She remembered Lucius Malfoy being a well-known Death Eater, but she didn't know how serious he was about You-Know-Who anymore, since he had a son to care for that could easily be put in danger. Sirius's cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange, was a very high ranking Death Eater, and she had escaped Azkaban awhile ago. Matter of fact, she had escaped with many other Death Eaters, but Emily didn't know just how serious the Death Eaters were becoming.

      Emily believed that as long as the Death Eaters weren't given much time to do any of their evil plans, they wouldn't be able to bring back You-Know-Who. Just thinking about that freak made Emily's blood boil, since he was the one who killed James and Lily. She also wanted to string Peter Pettigrew up for his part in it. Peter was their friend, he betrayed them, and in return his friends died, and he he got away with it. He even allowed his other friend to take the blame for what he had done.

       Emily honestly wished she could go back in time and kick Peter's ass for his part in everything, even before he did anything, so she could beat some sense into him. Messing with the past and future was frowned upon though, so there wasn't a way for her to do such thing without getting into a lot of trouble.

"Em, you have a letter in here!" Tara called from the kitchen, as Emily changed Jack's nappy.

      Emily quickly finished, before picking the little boy up and carrying him into the kitchen with her. She placed the boy into the playpen that his mother brought over everyday. Once Jack was taken care of, Emily grabbed the letter from Tara and opened it up.

  'Dear Aunt Em,

      I finally talked to Dumbledore about everything that he had been keeping from me. He was angry that you had told me the truth, but he claims it was for my own safety. I told him I was angry with him, and I refused to help him with anything else unless he explained to me why he kept everything from me.

      Anyhow, he was still angry with me, but he's going to get over it. I also asked him if I could finally live with you, where I'm supposed to be, but he doesn't like the idea. He thinks I'm safer with the Dursleys. He doesn't think living with you and Charlie is safe. He believes that Charlie's line of work is too dangerous for me to be around, and he believes that you aren't in the right state of mind to have me living with you.

       I'm not sure why, but I know he doesn't want me there with you. He wants me with the Dursleys, even after I told him everything they did, and still do to me. I've wished many times for their to be a difference, but I don't think there will be. I don't think Dumbledore is ever going to change his mind. If he doesn't, I will be going to live with you once I'm of age. He can't stop me then, and I'm not passing up an opportunity to be with family.

      Also, the last task is happening soon. I was hoping you could come along to watch it. I don't know if I'll win, but I want you there. I have a feeling something is going to happen, and I don't want to be alone.


"That old, bloody bastard!" Emily exclaimed, causing Tara to stare at the woman with wide eyes.

"What happened? What's wrong?" Tara asked, stepping over to her friend.

"Do you remember what I told you about Harry, and about Dumbledore keeping him away from me?" Emily asked, and Tara nodded.

"Was it Dumbledore that sent you a letter?" She asked, causing Emily to shake her head.

"No, it was Harry," Emily murmured,"He confronted Dumbledore about the truth and the man had the audacity to be mad at him for knowing, and at me for telling Harry the truth. Harry asked him if he could live with Charlie and I, and he told him about the abuse he recieved from the Dursleys, but apparently Dumbledore didn't care. He refused, and said that Charlie's work it too dangerous, and that I'm not in my right mind to take care of him. He called me crazy!" Emily ranted, causing Tara to shake her head.

"Dumbledore is an arsehole, Em," Tara said,"He'll get what's coming to him soon enough. Karma bites people in the arse when they're least expecting it." She added, and Emily nodded in her head.

"I was going to go to Hogwarts and argue with Dumbledore, but I think it's better if I let Dumbledore screw up on his own. When he screws up and puts Harry in danger once again, I'll be there to save Harry, and I'll be there to kick Dumbledore's arse." Emily said, causing the younger girl to chuckle.

"Dumbledore will learn to never mess with you again, I can see it." Tara commented, and Emily laughed.

"Oh, I will be gone a couple of days to go see the last task. Harry asked me to come so he won't be alone. I guess the other contestants have family coming as well. I'm not going to have him feeling alone, especially now that he knows he has me." Emily stated, causing Tara to smile.

"You're a good aunt, Emily, and Harry is lucky to have you." Tara murmured, making Emily smile as well.

       Emily just hoped Dumbledore didn't put Harry in any more danger, no matter how much she wanted to have the chance to tear the man a new one, and take Harry into her home and raise him like she should've been able to do years ago...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I would've had this published an hour ago, but I was making cake.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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