Chapter Forty Nine

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September first came sooner than Emily had expected. She had ordered all of the boys' school supplies, since she didn't want them going into Diagon Alley with all of the Death Eaters roaming around. She also hoped in doing so, that none of them would be able to spot and grab Draco or Harry. During the couple of months the boys were home, quite a few things changed, such as Rufus Scrimgeour took over as the Minister of Magic, and Dumbledore got his Headmaster of Hogwarts position back.

Emily sent the boys off to school, but it was hardest with Draco. She had to stay at the Burrow with him, to keep the Weasley children from bullying him. The day she dropped Draco off at the train, she gave him a hug, and told him to write to her if he needed anything. She promised to be there for him, but she told him to stay away from any Slytherin-or other house- that was potentially a Death Eater. He agreed, of course, since he had finally seen just how bad Death Eaters and You-Know-Who was to anyone that didn't follow him like an obedient soldier.

Harry and Draco walked on to the train together, but Emily held Ron, Ginny, and Hermione back from getting on the train right away so she could talk to them.

"Be nice to Draco. I'm serious. If he sends me even one letter that tells me that any of you were mean to him, I will go up to Hogwarts and make a scene in front of the entire school and embarrass you for it. He's becoming a different boy, and he needs the kindness of others to stay that way. I will not tolerate even slight teasing when it comes to Draco, do you understand?" Emily scolded, and the kids nodded.

"And Charlie feels the same way as you?" Ginny asked, a reluctant look on her face.

"Yes, actually, he said he'd be the one going up into Hogwarts with me to make a scene to embarrass you lot. I've already warned Harry, and he has agreed to be nice. Draco knows to try and be nice, but we all know he might have a slip up or two because of the way he was raised and the people in his house, but I want you guys to help him see right from wrong." She stated, before she told them goodbye and sent them off to the train.

Emily went back to Romania later that night, and she was able to get back to taking care of her children. The three were almost six months old, so they weren't as still and quiet as they use to be. Honestly though, Emily loved the noise, as long as it didn't get too loud or rambunctious.

The next morning, Emily recieved a letter from Harry, telling her that he had gotten into Slug Club, as well as Hermione. She had also recieved a letter from Draco, saying he was also in Slug Club, and that he was almost sure he knew some of the kids that were Death Eaters in Hogwarts. He gave her a couple of names; Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Vincent Crabbe, and Gregory Goyle. His only friend left was Blaise Zabini. Blaise told him that his mother wouldn't follow You-Know-Who because she didn't like half of the Death Eaters that were a part of the group.

Emily was glad that Draco still had one friend, and she recommended that he try to make some new friends, even if they weren't Slytherins. He was hesitant, since he didn't want to upset the Slytherins too much, but he really considered the idea.

About two weeks later, Emily read in the Dailey Prophet that more and more families were being killed by Death Eaters. She seen a few different names that stood out to her, including Abbott. She remembered an Abbott girl in Harry's year. She had also heard from Harry that he was having private lessons with Dumbledore, but he couldn't tell Emily too much about it.

Emily was disappointed, but she couldn't really get any answers out of Harry. She had even asked Draco, but Draco didn't know anything about Harry's lessons. He said he'd try to find information, but it wouldn't be immediate.

By the next month, Draco and Harry had both written to Emily that something had happened at Hogwarts. Apparently someone had cursed Katie Bell with a necklace filled with Dark Magic. Harry had tried to blame Draco at first, but he gave up, when Emily scolded him and defended Draco. Draco was worried about what was going on, and he was trying to figure out which potential Desth Eater was causing problems.

Harry was slowly learning that Draco wasn't as bad as he had originally perceived. Draco was actually a good kid, he was just a little misunderstood. People were being prejudice against him, like they had claimed he was against them. A couple of times, Harry and his friends defended Draco, even when they felt a little odd doing so.

Over the time the boys were in Hogwarts, the triplets were getting bigger. Loki was the first one to start sitting up on his own, but Kurt and Odette followed soon after. Loki seemed to be the child that started everything, meaning when he decided to start rolling over, the other two followed soon after. It was as if they needed him to show them how to do it. Loki was the oldest, so Emily figured the other two felt like he was the one to learn from.

Emily was sure that Loki would start crawling soon. He already stood on his hands and knees like he was going to crawl, but he hadn't quite gotten to actually crawling yet. Emily was trying her hardest to teach him though, same as Charlie was, but they were going to allow the kids to learn at their own pace, just like they were doing when it came to their first words. Loki's was "Dada," as was Odette's, but Kurt's was "Mum." Kurt was a Mummy's boy, and Odette was a Daddy's girl, but Loki loved his parents equally. Honestly, Emily was just happy to have her little ones, no matter who they seemed to love more...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I believe I only have a few more chapters left. I don't want to have too many chapters to this story, but I want it to be kind of long. I just want to be happy with what I've written, y'know?

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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