Chapter Sixty Two

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  About two weeks had passed, before everything became real. On the first of May, Emily and Charlie were told that everyone was gearing up at Hogwarts for the battle. It was about evening when she was told that every capable witch or wizard needed to be at Hogwarts ready to defend their own.

"I'm leaving the triplets with Andy. She said she'd take care of them with Dora. It's the safest place for them." Emily stated, and Charlie nodded.

      The couple grabbed their children and apparated to the Tonks-Lupin household. As soon as they knocked on the door, Remus opened it and allowed them inside.

"We need to leave, now." He said, causing the couple to sigh, but nod nonetheless.

"Be good for Andy, my darlings. Mummy and Daddy will be home before you know it." Emily cooed, as she hugged her babies and kissed their heads.

     Charlie did the same, before the three apparated as close to Hogwarts as possible, before taking a secret passageway into the school. Emily, Charlie, and Remus met with the rest of the Order to talk tactics. Mcgonagall had sent all of the underage Slytherins, as well as many who were of age, to the dungeons so they wouldn't have to fight their own families.

      Mcgonagall enchanted the armour around the school to defend the school, and everyone put up protection charms, hoping to fend off Death Eaters for a while. They didn't know how far it was going to go, but Emily knew not everyone was walking away from the battle unscathed or alive.

"Who all do we have on our side?" Emily asked Mcgonagall, as she stood beside her with Mrs. Weasley and Professor Flitwick.

"Centaurs, house elves, students, parents, shopkeepers from Hogsmeade, the armour, statues, desks, and anything and anyone else we can rely on." Mcgonagall replied, and Emily nodded.

"So, you'd be happy if Charlie and I got dragons here to help us?" Emily asked, a little nervous smile on her face.

"Do you?" Mcgonagall asked, raising an eyebrow.

"They'll be here when we need them most." Emily replied, before the battle began.

        Emily ran to find Charlie, and once she did, the two stayed side by side for as long as possible. They watched as the shield slowly went down. They watched as the armour and enchanted statues were slowly taken over and destroyed. Once Death Eaters and the creatures they recruited were close, Charlie and Emily ran into action. Emily fought many Death Eaters, as well as a few Acromantulas. The Acromantulas scared the hell out of her, mostly because she wasn't really a fan of spiders, especially ones as big as them.

      Emily ran throughout the battle field, trying to help as many people as she could. When she seen Remus being overpowered by Antonin Dolohov, she quickly flicked her wand and sent the Death Eater twenty feet away from Remus. She ran over to Remus and helped him up.

"Are you okay?" She asked, and he nodded.

"Yes," He replied,"Have you seen Dora?" He asked, causing her to shake her head.

"No, I haven't. She's here?!" She exclaimed,"She was supposed to stay home!"

"I tried to tell her that, believe me," He murmured,"Go find her, please, and make sure she's still alive." He said, and she quickly nodded.

       Emily ran off as fast as she could, watching as Remus sent one more curse towards Dolohov, successfully ending him from the battle. She continued to run, until she found Tonks. Bellatrix was holding up her wand, using the Cruciatus curse on her. Tonks was screaming, and the screams made Emily's heart drop. Emily quickly shouted "Depulso!" which sent Bellatrix away. The Desth Eater hit the wall hard, knocking her out instantly.

"C'mon, Dora. We've got to move. You shouldn't even be here." Emily scolded, as she helped Tonks stand.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just wanted to help." She murmured, and Emily nodded.

"I know," She answered,"Let's get you to Madam Pomfrey." Emily said, walking the girl as fast as she could.

       Once Tonks was left with Madam Pomfrey, Emily ran back out into the battle. She felt her heart shatter when she seen the multiple bodies on the ground; Collin Creevey and Lavender Brown being two of them. She caught up with Charlie again, and she stayed at his side.

     As they were fighting, a loud noise rang through everyone's head, before You-Know-Who began to speak. He requested Harry Potter by the end of the hour, otherwise everyone else would die. The Death Eaters backed off for a while, giving the others time to collect their dead and help the ones who were hurt.

"We need to check on Moony, Dora, and the rest of our family." Emily said, and Charlie nodded.

      Emily walked into the Great Hall where everyone was sitting or being treated. She felt her heart stop, when she seen a blonde and a group of redheads over at the end of the room. They were surrounding someone on the ground. As she got closer, her heart shattered to pieces. On the ground laid Fred, and the poor boy was no longer alive and breathing.

"Oh, Fred," She whispered, her hand flying to her mouth to keep herself from crying, she then looked over at George to see him sobbing,"George." She murmured, walking over and pulling the boy into her arms.

      George was sobbing his heart out. His other half, his best friend, his partner in crime was gone, and he was never coming back. Emily felt horrible, since there was absolutely nothing she could do about it. She couldn't help but believe that if she had ran faster, tried harder, or even went to find the twins and stay with them, she would've been able to save Fred. He may have been a mischievous boy, but he was one of the sweetest boys she had ever met, and she was devastated with the loss of him...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. The next chapter is a continuation of the battle.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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