Your way back into my heart

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Few weeks have past since the twins birthday and Jin's hostility towards Jungkook decreased day by day, as did the urge to kill him each time looking at him. They managed to act civilized around each other and had even small talks that weren't related to their children. For the twins this was a new experience, having both papa and daddy together at the same time and they absolutely loved it.

Hoseok and Jin became friends, so no wonder he and baby Sue would occasionally come over for a visit. The twins felt like big brother and sister towards baby Sue. She would follow them around and copy everything they did. She was a real ball of sunshine, that part she got from Hoseok but she also inherited some of Namjoon's genes, that meant, don't give her anything that's breakable or valuable, she definitely will break it.

Jimin had successfully managed to make 'the kitten' purr under his touch, him and Yoongi became official.

It was summer and the days were long and warm, that's why everybody was gathered at the Jeon's beach house, to spend few days together.

The children loved the beach, Sue and the twins would make sandcastles, Jimin and Yoongi went for long walks along the beach and the others, Namseok couple and Jinkook (wannabe couple) would sit or lie down on the beach towels, watch the kids and chat.

It was at this moment that the universe conspired against Jin. Someone was calling Jin's name and running towards the group of people. Turning around, Jin's eyes almost popped out, "what the fuck is he doing here" Jin whispered but everybody heard him. Jumping up from the towel, "Jin it's really you." The man spoke english and hugged him like they were...old friends? "I thought I would never see you again. What happened, I woke up and you were just gone." Jin pushed him slightly away, "M..Michael...w...what are you doing here" he managed to ask.

It was a very awkward situation and Jin barely managed to get rid of the man. Turning around all eyes were on him, it wasn't an accomplishment for the others to know that they must've had an intimate relationship.

Jin was bathing the twins, washing off the sand and saltwater when he heard a car driving away. He and the kids came downstairs where everyone was already waiting for them to start with the dinner. "Where is daddy" asked Joy her uncle Yoongi, who came back from a walk with Jimin and had no idea what happened. Jimin pulled Jin to the other room and asked, "is it true? Hobi told me that you met Michael? How is it possible, how did he knew where you are? You told me it was just a one time thing." "That's all it was" exhaled Jin, "a client of his invited him to visit him in Seoul, and guess what? The fucker owns the beach house, two houses further down." "Fuck, someone up there" pointing with his finger to the sky, "has something against you" said Jimin and Jin couldn't agree more.

After the dinner Jin brought the twins to bed, they kept asking where daddy went and when will he come back. Not knowing the answer to that, Jin kissed them both and laid down next to them, singing a lullaby.

Later in the evening, Namjoon and Hobi went to bed too while Jimin and Yoongi took the car to look where Jungkook could have gone.

Jin walked out on the veranda and leaned against the palisade, listening to the sound of the waves and watching the reflection of the moon dancing on the water, making it appear magical. The sound and the view calmed his crazy beating heart. He was so immersed in the moment that he didn't hear someone entering the veranda and taking a seat behind him.

Turning around Jin almost got a heart attack, "fuck" he cursed, holding a hand pressed to his chest and giving the person sitting in the swing chair a deadly glare.

Jungkook moved a little to the side and motioned for him to sit next to him. Jin glared at him and despite the moon being the only source of light, he saw dried tear stains on the other's face.

"You don't have the right to be angry. When I slept with him, we were nothing, you by the way made sure of it" said Jin coldly. Jungkook again just patted the space next to him, telling the other to sit down. Jin, first hesitant but then decided to take the offer. Sitting next to each other, Jungkook started to swing the chair lightly, he took Jin's hand in his and gave it a kiss. "I'm not angry with you" he said with a raspy voice, "I'm angry with myself." After a little pause, he continued, "I'm angry at myself that I'm the source of your pain. I'm angry...that I made you leave me. I'm furious, I am the reason that another man made love with you, touched you the way I promised that no one else will ever do, except me. Im so fucking furious with myself..." Jin turned towards him and cupped his face with his hands, caressing his cheeks he made him look at him. They locked eyes and the feeling of their broken hearts mending, returned once again. Jin closed the little gap between them and with his lips softly brushed the other's. "I had sex with him, but I did not make love with him" whispered Jin, leaning his head on Jungkook's shoulder and no more words were spoken. They sat there and listened to the waves, letting a soft warm breeze embrace them.

Hearing giggles, chatter and birds chirping Jin tried to open his eyes but the sun was blinding him. He finally managed to open one eye by holding a hand up, to protect it against the sun. He was met with two beautiful faces smiling at him. Smiling back at them, he looked more to the left and there stood Namjoon, holding Sue in his arms, both smiling at him too. Turning further his head, meeting another face, still sleeping. Realizing he was sleeping on the swing chair cuddling Jungkook, he wanted to get up but was not able to, because of strong arms wrapped around his body, possessively holding him in place.

"Come on kids, let uncle Hobi through" Hobi's voice could be heard, and shortly after he stood in front of them holding two cups in his hands, speaking with a grin, "up up love birds, I made you coffee." The kids laughed at uncle Hobi's voice and antics, repeating "love birds love birds~."

The next two days flew by, with Jungkook and Jin giving each other affectionate looks and shy smiles, acting almost like teenagers.

All good things come to an end and so it was time to go back home. Namseok couple, with baby Sue, left after the breakfast. Jimin and Yoongi decided to stay one or two days longer, finally having the whole house for themselves. Jungkook drove back with Jin and the kids. The whole way back, the twins were talking, singing, arguing and repeat. You can say that Jungkook was surprised hearing Jin ask the kids if they would like to sleep at their grandparents house, since they haven't seen them for the past four days. Of course they screamed in happiness and asked, "papa will you sleep there too?" "Papa can't baby, he has important business to do, together with daddy." This made Jungkook's head snap towards him. With his fingers pushing the other's head to look back at the road, Jin laughed, "eyes on the road." Jin saw Jungkook pinched his hand, "what are you doing" he asked. "Nothing" the other answered, "just making sure it's not a dream."

Six months later

"Jeon Jungkook, I'm gonna kill you" could be heard echoing through the house. The twins were used to it by now. Since their daddy moved in with them, papa was yelling more often, much more often, but he was also laughing much more, they all did.

Joy entered the kitchen, where her daddy and her brother prepared breakfast, her daddy asked, "how bad is it baby, what did he say?" Taking the seat next to her brother, she shrugged her shoulders and said, "I guess not so bad. He didn't say anything. He was sitting in the bathroom and staring at a pen in his hands." Hearing that, Jungkook stopped for few seconds and thought of what could've he done to upset the other, but nothing came up in his mind. Suddenly a lightbulb went on and his eyes grew wide, in light speed he ran upstairs, seeing Jin in their bathroom holding a pregnancy test in his hands. A smile crept on his face. Lifting him up, securing him tight in his arms and capturing his lips with his own, he whispered, "I love you so so much Jeon Seokjin."

The end!

 Thanks for your time, love you guys 💜

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