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Standing on my apartment balcony, watching the bustling lights of the cars on the street below. A cigarette pressed to my lips I take a slow puff, the coolness of the tobacco filling my lungs.

Humming a soft tune of Lana Del Reys, 'Young and Beautiful.' I put out the butt of the cig on the brick wall of my apartment. Sighing I walk back into my complex while glancing at the time.

10:49 pm.

Ruffling my hair, trying to add volume to my practically dead locks, I walk into my bedroom. God..I could go for a drink right now.

Thats probably the best idea I've had all day if I don't say so myself.

Deciding on a tight fitted dress that went a little bit below my butt, I give myself a once over in my mirror before grabbing my phone and texting my best friend Sierra.

N: Girl you down for clubbing tonight?

Within minutes I get a reply.

S: Hell yess! I heard there's this new place downtown

N: Lmao

S: mhmm...maybe you'll even get lucky tonight? 😏 yk it's been a while 😟

I swear to God this girl, just because I don't get laid often, doesn't mean my sex life isn't non existent. Besides...toys do the job just fine.

N: yeah yeah whatevers, 🙄 I'll see you in a bit

As I finish getting ready, touching up my makeup and adding some perfume, I'm met with Sierra popping her head out of a running cab.

Motioning me to hurry up she hollers a bit louder than needed, "Nic! Cmonnn I wanna get wasted!"
Shaking my head with a smile I climb into the seat next to her, and soon we're whizzing through the sea of car lights.

Nudging my arm playfully, Sierra's nothing but wide eyed and smiling in her red glittery mini skirt matched with a strapless top.
"The place is pretty popular but I know a guy that could get us in through the back."

"Sie..." I glanced at her unease threatening to claw it's way at my nerves. I shake my head, concerned for our safety, at least...one of us is I thought, before rolling my eyes in my head.

Before she could reassure me we'd be fine like she always does, the cab comes to a stop and she ushers me out of the door.
The blinding neon lights of the sign, forcing me to squint. It read,
'Paradise Lounge'
I scoffed to myself at the name, but quickly realized this club was legit because of the long line they had wrapping around the building.

Sierra had practically dragged me to the back exit of the club in the alleyway, mumbling under her breath, with a soft laugh.
"Hurry up, Dummy."

"I'm coming, I'm coming jeez-"

Reaching the door with writing on it that said 'Do not enter', Sierra gave the door 4 steady knocks and a tall buff guy peeked out of the door. Security guard? Or maybe a bouncer?

Giving her a quick peck on the cheek, he smiled at the 2 of us.

"Nicole, this is Devin. The guy I told you about.."

As Sierra introduced us, he held out his hand and I shook it, "Ah-so your the famous Devin she's been on and on about. Finally I have a face to who she's been talking about."

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