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I didn't wanna come out tonight, wait no scratch that. I didn't want to come here specifically to P.L because it's always fucking crowded and it reeks of alcohol, horny teenagers and desperation.

Devin had given me a call an hour or so ago asking to keep an eye on a few girls he had let in.

An hour ago...

"Aye mate, can you do me a favor?" Devins british accent sounded through the phone.

"Sure whatcha need?" I asked.

"My girl and a friend of hers are coming tonight, can you keep an eye on them for me? I'm busy at the Lounge so-"

Sighing, I pinch the bridge of my nose as I toss a cigarette on the ground. "Yeah sure whatever, but you owe me one."

I could tell he was smiling on the other end and I ended the call.

Making my way to P.L, I walk to the back exit of the club and pound on the door. Devin opens the door and I make my way to the packed bar and wait for a beer. I'm spending my Friday night, babysitting. Yay.


Looking up from the bar counter a familiar voice comes up from behind, happy and drunk. I turn and look at the purple haired girl dressed in full on red and glitter.

Looking like a ruby disco ball...and always sparkling.


She's only one that calls me that stupid name, and I think she does it to get on my nerves.

I take a sip of my beer and smile at her. "Hello to you too Sierra."

Walking up to the barstool next to me she orders 2 beers. Devin said Sierra and a friend of hers but the other one is nowhere to be found. Hell I don't even know what she looks like.

Nudging my arm as she waits for her beers she asks, "Did Devin make you come out tonight?"

I nod as I finish the rest of my beer. "Mhm. He asked to keep an eye on you."

Rolling her eyes, she puts her purple locks into a ponytail. "Of course he did. Sorry for making you come down so late, you're probably just as busy as he is tonight."

Shaking my head, I order another beer as the bartender hands Sierra hers. "Nah. It's fine don't worry about it."

Giving me a lighthearted smile she takes her beers and heads to the dance floor. "If you say so. Anyways if you need me I'll be dancing."

Leaning against the counter I watch Sierra disappear into the crowd.

For a split second as if everything were happening in slow motion Sierra gives a beer to another girl who was dancing.

And there she was. Her.

The second I saw her dancing I knew. She's was what I wanted. Watching her from the crowd I studied her. The fluid movements of her body. The swaying of her hips.

Fuck. I'm supposed to be babysitting not thinking about...that.

My hands ached to touch her. Feel her against me.

I could tell she was tipsy, a smile plastered on her lips before chugging down her beer.

Fuck it.

Making my way through the sweaty crowd I rest my hands at her waist and she dances against me gently.

Fuck....I'm already hard.

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