Chapter 15

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Mara: Cerberus, Valkyrie, Azrael. You three will be going to planet Unatis to look for a power sphere called Colorbot, colorbot may not sound dangerous but to the enemy he can make entire fleets camouflage with its surroundings making potential enemies difficult to spot. Your job is to locate and bring the colorbot back to the station. Azrael I have coordinated to the planet, once you're done come back to the station. That rest of the planet's info is in this tablet. Do not lose it.

All 3: Yes, Ma'am.

Azrael: Let's check the information before we get there.

Other 2: Right.

Cerberus: It says it's a planet full of greenery, the whole planet is a jungle maze.

Valkyrie: and look at this the planet has fruits that explode like grenades and some can create poison gas.

Azrael: We got to be careful. Val, how strong are our suits?

Valkyrie: Strong.

Cerberus: We may need a gas mask.

Valkyrie: I'll upgrade your helmet to filter the gas out, while me and Az have our own gas mask.

Azrael: Is that everything?

Cerberus: I added the power spheres location to my helmet. I think we can leave the tablet here so we don't lose it.

Valkyrie: I made a copy of the information so nothing to worry about.

Azrael: Alright everyone's ready. Dark portal

Mara: Good luck.

All 3: Thank you.

Mara: I hope they succeed.

At Planet Unatis

Azrael; Alright, we're here. Where do we go Berus?

Cerberus: The powersphere is up north.

Valkyrie: looks like it might be up there.

Cerberus: How about flying?

Valkyrie: looks like the trees attack anything that flies.

Azrael: So we're walking?

Valkyrie: Looks like it, unless they can see something invisible.

Cerberus: You guys don't waste your powers let I'll fly to see it they react to me

Azrael: Ok.

Cerberus: *activating cloak* whirling winds.

Azrael: Now that I think about it, how do we see each other if we're all cloaked?

Valkyrie: Huh, I didn't think about that, but it looks like Berus knows where we are.

Azrael: Well what about the both of us?

Valkyrie: I'll think of something when we get home.

Cerberus: I'm back. And it looks like they don't see me.

Valkyrie: Great, we can all fly there.

At the mountain

Cerberus: All right, we should be near *uncloaks*

Azrael: I see a cave entrance below us.

Valkyrie: I guess we over shot.

Cerberus: It's ok. Earth stairs.

Valkyrie: Ahh, I'm so glad that we're a team.

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