ch 1 - shinigami

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"SHINIGAMI?" Rindo asked as he and his brother listened to their boss's order's.

"i want you two to go and bring them here. Koko has more information. Thats an order." Mikey said with cold, empty eyes.

"yes, boss."

the two exited the room after giving a bow.

"Shinigami eh? what kind of person do ya think they are?" Ran asked as they headed to Koko's office.

"i don't know but they must be good if they got the name shinigami and Mikey's attention."


"from what i've found they only have killed child abusers and rapists, they haven't seemed to kill anyone else, not yet anyway." Koko stated as he read tue information he found.

"Anyway to find them?" Rindo asked unamused.

"a child they supposedly saved said they played a song of some sort, a women said it was a requiem."

"the fuck is a requiem?" Ran asked.

"well in many churches they play it as a mass for the souls of the dead," Koko stated. he had done his research amd was slightly amused by this killers antics.

"well that's definitely dark..." Rindo muttered under his breath.

"Anyways you might find them in a alley, thats where most of their victims were found." Koko said.

the two brothers nodded and left the building.

time to find the shinigami.

SHINIGAMI | TR x reader x JJKWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt