ch 11 - deaths court

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"domain expansion: deaths court"

(you bent your pointer finger from the first joint, touching the tip with the thumb, the rest of the fingers straight. right hand on the bottom, left hand on top.)

with those words you pulled the bonten members and black tiger members into your domain.

everything was draped in black. it was if someone dropped a black curtain all around the domain. in the center of it all was a throne. stairs led up to the top where you sat on a throne made of black diamonds.

your reapers stood on the stairs, staring into the distance.

bonten was standing behind your throne.

"wtf? where are we?" they all shouted except Mikey whose eyes had widened in confusion.

"you can come out now," you spoke, your voice echoing.


with your words the man emerged from the shadows and looked at you with a crazed smirk.

"or should I say kenjaku?" you looked down at him, your red eyes staring deep into his soul.

"I could say the same to you, izanami-no-mikoto-sama," he stared back up to you, his smirk widening.

"you know better than to call me that, kenjaku. tell me. what is it that you want."

"you know well what I want, izanami-no-mikoto-sama," he taunted you, stressing each individual syllable in the name. 

"and if I refuse to help?"

"that isn't a problem to me, besides I have your precious izanagi on my side." he taunted you again, making you remember the name.

"know that when the time come's, we will lay order to the land once again. your foolish ideas will perish as will your time on this mortal realm," your voice boomed, startling the bonten members who were confused as to what was happening.

he grinned and you removed the domain.

geto left as soon as you did.

"you can deal with them, I'm leaving," you said warping out, leaving all of bonten confused as fuck as to what just happened.



you decided to warp to jujutsu technical college, it was now dawn and you went to the room Hitomi was fast asleep in.

you stared out the window and at the rising sun. you let out a sigh as you recalled the name from your past.

izanagi, your other half. god of the land and the living. your brother, the person you had kept the most trust in.

you remembered how it all happened.

~flash back to a depressing past~

many many eons ago there were two children born in the imperial family, both were males but were polar opposites. one was like the raging sun, battle hungry and sought blood and women. the other was like the moon, calm and calculating, soft like a cool river stream but could be terrifying like a tsunami. the first born, the sun took the throne, the moon, his brother, became his trustworthy aid.

the sun was a sexaholic and thirsty for women.

he had many concubine's and treated them all terribly, he raped many women and had many children that he couldn't spare his time with. he sent them all to the army or sold them to artisrocracy families where they died one way or the other.

one day a prophet came to the palace and told the emperor a warning.

'one day, a women will birth twins with your blood. together they will bring the downfall of your empire.'

the prophet was executed and ever since he was cautious of the children the women he screwed with gave birth too.

one day, a man had sold her daughter to the emperor in hopes for a good title.

the women gave birth to twins.

a boy and a girl.

what no one else had known was that the moon and the women were deeply in love with one another.

when he heard she had given birth to twins he had arranged for a fake. he told his brother that the child had died and instead took the two as his own.

years went by and the two grew. one day, the moon was killed by none another than the sun.

he had learned that his brother was in possession of the twins and killed him in anger. little did he know his brother had taught them how to fight. little did he know they were the twins from the prophecy.

night fell and the sister went on a killing spree. her brother aided her and the two brought down every royal solider in the way.

they reached their father and a fight took place. it was a gruesome battle and the sister lost her life giving the final blow.

the brother fell into agony, mourning the loss of his sister. he wanted nothing more to do with the mortal realm but to join his sister in eternal sleep; but the gods had other plans.

they decided to punish them for killing so many mortals and cursed the two with immortality. they added another factor. the two were never allowed to meet unless the gods wished for it.

the sister rose from the dead and became the queen and goddess of death and curses while the brother became the god of the living and the land.

that is the story of izanami and izanagi.

~depressing story over~


izanami and izanagi are real gods of Japanese mythology but the back story is completely different.


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