ch 14 - tired

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you stared down at the now conscious takehiru mori in disgust.

"she isn't your real daughter is she?" you asked him, venom laced your words.


"Hitomi, she isn't blood related to you, correct?"

"w-what are you saying?! s-she's m-my daughter!" he hesitated.

"you hesitated you fool. stop lying to me already. where. did. you . find. Hitomi?" your red eyes bored down into his soul.

"s-she's my daughter!" you sighed tired of asking.

"haruchiyo, deal with him," you groaned.

"my pleasure," sanzu had a maniacal smile on his face as he pulled out pliers.

you leaned against the wall near kakucho as you watched sanzu do his thing.

"how did you meet izana?" kakucho asked not looking away from the mess sanzu was making.

"ahh, it was a lot similar as to how I meet takeomi. I was gonna jump of a bridge but he stopped me," you pouted remembering how he had held onto your hand so tightly, pulling you up.

kakucho furrowed his brows.

"what's with you and killing yourself?"

"I grew up in a not so great surrounding developing a terrible case of paranoia and insomnia. death is just a nice way to get some sleep," you remembered all those sleepless nights you had spent. all those times where you wanted nothing more than to die.

"I sorta became his walking therapist for a good while. he ranted about life to me and I did the same to him. he talked a lot about you, how you were an important person in his life," you looked at kakucho whose eyes had widened, tears threatening to escape.

you looked back at sanzu, mori's screams a symphony to your ears.

"haruchiyo, let me talk," you said and sanzu stopped his games.

mori was a panting, crying mess. fingernails/toenails gone. arms and leg drilled to the chair. eyes cried blood.

"now tell me, where did you find hi, to, mi."

"grata-san asked me to take care of her! h-he said he would pay me as long as I took care of her, I-i agreed for the money!" he shouted.

"so they went into hiding..."you muttered under your breath.

you grabbed a fistful of his brown hair and pulled him to look at your face.

"how long ago was this?"

"f-fifteen years ago!"

"did you ever see the man again?"

"n-no, I never saw him after, b-but he did give me the money," he wailed.

"kenjaku, that bitch," you cursed under your breath.

"alright then, what is your relationship with the black tigers?" you decided to move on from the topic.

"I-i don't know much about them, I-i only know that their boss is a major underground drug lord, n-nobody know's anything about h-him," he stuttered out.

"is that good enough?" you turned your head back to kakucho and sanzu. kakucho nodded.

"it should be enough for now. don't kill him yet."

"yeah, yeah." sanzu said leaving the room.

you turned back to mori and knocked him out cold.


you were in kakucho's room, the haitani brothers were now also on the job seeing as catching this drug lord has been proven difficult.

"so whose is this arata guy?" sanzu asked staring at the ceiling.

"arata?" ran asked in confusion, "what do they have to do with the black tiger."

"oh they has nothing to do with them, its just a minor problem I needed to address following the jujutsu world," that was a lie. arata was a major problem.

"your lying aren't you?" rindo narrowed his eyes on you.

you raised your eyebrow surprised he noticed.

"first part was true, second part wasn't its a big problem," you sighed giving up to his relentless stare.

"and why is that?" kakucho asked, eyebrow raised.

"you don't have to worry about it, unless..." you muttered incoherent words causing the group to raise an eyebrow at you.


"unless I tell you to worry about it, so forget it for now," you told them.

"if worst comes to pass, I'll deal with it," you reassured them.


"I'll be gone for the majority of today, I'll either come back late tonight or tomorrow morning," you told kakucho leaving the premises.

you warped to jujutsu tech and stared at the now rising sun.

you were tired. yet you couldn't sleep, it's as if the gods had forbid you. when was the last time you had a good sleep, one without an act of suicide or other external methods? you couldn't remember.

you made your way to Gojo who was wide awake for some reason and you leaned on his shoulder.

"y/n-chan? you good?" he asked looking down at you, the kid was too tall for your liking.

"I'm tired satoru," you mumbled.

he frowned at your figure knowing you were probably going to try and commit suicide again.

"when was the last time you slept? and not suicide." he asked you calmly.

"I don't remember, I don't thinks've ever slept without killing myself or something," his frowned deepened at your words.

"have you tried melatonin? I heard that works-"

"I've tried everything already satoru, nothing works. can you just knock me out for an hour? please?" you were never the one to say please. you only really said please when it came to sleep, it hurt being so tired but not being able to sleep.

"I can't do that," Gojo frowned, holding you at arms length and stared at you tired face.

you had prominent eye bags, worse than shoko's. you eye lids were half closed. face relaxed yet you looked to be in pain.

"fine, but I'll wake you up before the students arrive ok?" he finally agreed and you nodded your head.

he hit your neck and you felt the darkness take over.


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