Chapter 8

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Four hours wan't a long time.

I crept downstairs with my handbag, being sure not to wake anyone. I slowly opened the snack cupboard, scared that one small creek would wake my snoring adoptive parents two floors above me. I grabbed a packet of oreos, a handful of cereal bars, a packet of walkers crisps, and a bag of dried fruit. I began to fill up my water bottle, but realised I wouldn't get through luggage check without having it confiscated. Before going upstairs, I grabbed a notepad and paper.

When I was back in my room I got dressed into outfit I had put together for the plane. Although it was an outfit mainly for comfort, I had chosen the clothes thinking Aria might like it. 'First impressions are very important' I thought to myself. Me being the girl who has hardly left her town, I'm clearly an expert on meeting new people. I made sure I had everything packed with a checklist in the notes section of my IPhone. The only thing I was missing was a pair of sunglasses and some deodorant. I then put my hair in a messy bun so that my hair didn't fall onto my face while I wrote a note..

'Mum and Dad, you're probably wondering where I am. By the time you read this, I'll probably be on my way or in Rosewood. Recognise the name? It's where I'm from. I wish you had of told me I was adopted. Maybe then i wouldn't have left without telling you. This note isn't to rant at you. It's to tell you I'm going to be safe with my real family. I love you both so much. I can't thank you enough for looking after me and treating me like your own daughter. Maybe I'll be back, Maybe not. Don't worry about me and please forgive me. Lots of love, Nancy Montgomery xoxo'

I read my note through, as I often ramble when I'm writing letters. I was sad to be leaving the house I had lived in for my whole life, but the excitement of meeting my real family was much more powerful.

I carefully picked up my suitcase and bag and carried them downstairs. I wasn't very strong, so it was hard to carry my case instead of thudding it down like I usually did. I went into the living room, as it was furthest from the stairs, to call a taxi. I spoke quietly but loud enough for the man at the other end to hear me.

"Hello, I would like a taxi to Newquay airport. I'm at number 2 Hayle Gardens."

The man on the other side of the phone told me the cab would arrive in about 10 minuets. I lived on number 13 Hayle Gardens, but didn't want to risk the taxi somehow waking up my adoptive Mum and Dad. I spent ages trying to close the heavy front door without it slamming. When I finally had done this, I walked down the pebbly footpath, my bulky suitcase making funny noises behind me. When I reached the spot my taxi would arrive at, I took out my phone and took a photo of my surroundings; One last reminder of where i grew up. My taxi arrived, so I checked the time and locked my phone - it was ten past one in the morning. I climbed into the back seat with my luggage before turning to look out of the car's back window. I watched my house get smaller and smaller as the car drove away, until my house disappeared completely from my view.

I Am Nancy Montgomery  (Pretty Little Liars Fanfiction) [COMPLETED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ