Chapter 43

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//I'm going to be on holiday for the next week, so might not be able to update often. Where I'm staying has some wifi, but I don't know when I can get it. Please don't stop reading because of this.//

"Mona, I've turned left like you said, but can't see-" my phone call was interrupted by a tap on the shoulder. "Mona!" I laughed and gave my friend a hug.

"I'm so glad you want to see me." Mona said to me.

"Why wouldn't I want to see you?" I asked, confused on why Mona seemed to think I didn't want to be your friend.

"Did Aria not tell you anything about me?" Mona nervously answered with another question.

"She told me a lot, but I didn't know the old Mona. I know the new Mona and I love the new Mona. Nobody forced you to risk coming to see me each day while we were down there." I told Mona, making it clear we were still friends. It was sad how she presumed everyone she met would avoid her once they had the chance to judge her by her past.

We sat on a patch of bright green grass in where I presume was the busiest part of Rosewood. Everybody in the s town will have definitely known who we were and many looked at us, but we tried our best to avoid the fact we were living Madame Tussauds wax figure. We could have found somewhere quieter to sit, but it was safer here with people about. We talked about what we had done since we escaped, what we wanted to do, and about ourselves. Although it felt like we had been friends for ages, we had only met a few months ago. I felt like I could trust Mona with my life, as we spent such a traumatising time of our lives together, but we didn't know a huge amount about each other.

Once we had spent a few hours just sitting on the grass together, talking and laughing like normal teenagers, we began to walk back towards where our houses were. I wasn't a hundred percent sure where the beautiful Montgomery house was yet, but Mona had invited me to her house for a little while before she helped me find my way back.

"I'm home, mom!" Mona shouted through her house as she opened her house's front door.

"Aria?" Mona's mother asked while walking towards us with a welcoming smile.

"I'm Nancy." I said, returning her smile.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I forgot to put my contact lenses in this morning. Me and Mona weren't blessed with the best eyesight." She apologised with a small laugh. "There's some chocolate muffins cooling if you'd both like one. You could take some home if you're not stopping, Nancy."

"Thank you..." I thanked Mona's mum and paused, hoping she'd tell me her name.

"Leona." She replied before disappearing upstairs.

As I walked into Mona's adorable baby blue kitchen, I was greeted by the amazing smell of freshly baked cake. Whenever muffins were made in my old house, my adoptive mother would either burn them or add too many eggs. I had always associated home made biscuits and cake with not being cooked right, until I took a bite of Leona Vanderwaal's desert.

"Take these home with you." Mona said while handing me a box with five muffins inside. "You can pretend you haven't had one yet if anyone asks.

"Thank you. When should we meet up again?" I asked as we left Mona's house to trek back to where I was currently living.

"Whenever. I'm never really busy apart from school, but I'm going to be doing online school for the next month or so" Mona explained. We made sure that we'd meet again soon, and then praised Leona's muffins until I was standing in front of a familiar house.

"I'll see you soon." Mona said while giving me a goodbye hug. I then made my way to the front door. I didn't have a key, so I pressed the doorbell and waited. I was about to presume no one was home and find an outdoor seat when the door opened.

"I think we should talk." Byron said, Ella standing about a foot away from him. Ella gave me a small smile, but anyone could tell something was bothering her.

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