Chapter 60

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The hallway was full of teenagers who seemed to all be going in a different direction. We never really got new kids in my old school, so u literally had no idea where to go or what to do. I was now wishing that I had followed Aria and her friends or stayed with Mike when we were talking before school. I would have been wandering around the school like a lost sheep forever if Hanna hadn't turned the corner.

"Did you not hear the bell go, like, two minutes ago?" Hanna asked, clearly confused on why I was the only person not in a classroom.

"I need help." I said bluntly.

"Don't we all," Hanna said wish a hint of sarcasm in her voice. From what I know about Hanna so far, she always seems to be sarcastic anyway. "I'll take to you the office."

So with that, Hanna grabbed me elbow and we power walked past the millions of lockers lining the school halls until we reached the office. I thanked Hanna with a smile before she left to go wherever she should have been.

"Excuse me," I spoke loudly so that I was sure to be heard by a member of staff. "My name is Nancy Montgomery. I'm new." It felt amazing to say Nancy Montgomery out loud without anyone questioning it.

"Oh, hello Nancy. I see you've met Hanna already." The lady's huge smile dropped slighly as she recognised who I was and how I met Hanna. I was sure there wasn't one person in Rosewood who hadn't heard the heartbreaking news about six teens kidnapped and trapped. The woman's smile quickly recovered. "Here's a timetable. I'll take you to your homeroom and hopefully someone will introduce themselves and shoe you round. We have a lot of friendly students here."

"Thank you." I said, trying to imitate her welcoming smile, but failing horribly. I wasn't an unhappy person, I just didn't have a golden medal for smiling.

"Here's your class, Nancy." The smiley woman from the office said once we had stopped outside one of the classrooms. She pushed open the door slightly before walking away with her noisy high heels tapping against the tiled floor, leaving me to enter a class of scary kids alone.

I was expecting all eyes to be on me when I walked into the class, but fortunately only the front row noticed someone had walked in. As it wasn't a proper lesson, nobody had to do work and the teacher supervising seemed very laid back. I was about to go and let the teacher know I had arrived, but he spoke to me first.

"So, you must be Nancy." The teacher said. "I'm Mr. Saltzman. There's a spare seat over there if you want to sit down." The teacher pointed at an empty seat on the third row. As I began to walk over, the girl sitting next to the empty seat gave me a small welcoming smile.

"Hello." I said to the girl once  had sat down stood my bag up against my chair so that it wouldn't fall.

"Hey, my name's Vanessa. I love your accent." The girl said, causing me to laugh at the compliment.

"Thanks." I replied.

"So, you're new. Do you know anyone in our grade?" Vanessa asked me.

"I know Mike Montgomery." I answered.

"Oh, cool. We pretended to be married in the second grade." Vanessa said, causing us both to laugh. "How do you know him?"

"Mike's my twin brother," I paused for a moment as a tried to decide the quickest way to tell the story. From the look on Vanessa's face, it looked like I had some explaining to do.

Just as I finished trying to explain my family situation to my new friend without frazzling her brain cells, the bell rang. Fortunately for me, this avoided me having to answer any question from a confused girl. The only problem was I didn't have a clue where I was going.

"Let's see your timetable." Vanessa asked, as I clearly looked extremely lost. I passed Vanessa the sheet of paper that had my week's lessons printed on so that she could see where I needed to go.

"It says English with Mr Fitz, but they need to change that. Mr Fitz left ages ago. Anyway, it's that way." Vanessa pointed in the correct direction before giving me a quick friendly hug and walking off to wherever she was going. I was glad I had already made a friend.

"Look, it's that girl who was on the TV."

"I saw her with Mike Montgomery this morning. I think they're dating."

"Didn't Mrs Montgomery adopt her?"

I may need contact lenses, but bad eyesight doesn't mean that I'm deaf. I genuinely felt like I was an actress in mean girls being able to hear people gossip about my in the hallways. I would usually find this funny, but I was feeling especially nervous and self conscious today.

"Nancy." I heard a familiar voice call my name.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Ella with a confused laugh.

"I'm doing a bit of work here, and thought of you, Aria, and the rest of the girls can come in, so can I." Ella said.

"I'm glad you're here." I said, giving her a quick hug. I don't care if hugging your mum at school makes you look like a baby, I've only just got my mum so I'm making the most of her.

I didn't want to be late, so me and Ella's conversation ended quickly. She pointed to the exact room I needed to be in.

"Hey, is that Mike Montgomery's girlfriend from London?" A boy with a 10 metre tall quiff and a set of excessively whitened teeth that were brighter than my future called out when I entered the classroom, causing people to glance over at my. He acted like I wasn't even in the room.

"I'm his twin sister," I replied, which the boy obviously didn't expect me to do. "And not everyone who lived in the UK is from London."

//This chapter is almost double the usual length. Tell me if you prefer longer chapters, and don't forget to vote and share. Thank you so much if you're one of the people who made it this far and haven't got bored with the story.//

I Am Nancy Montgomery  (Pretty Little Liars Fanfiction) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now