Chapter VI

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Espresso's POV:
I have a feeling that Latte is still as annoying as before but I guess she isn't as annoying as Madeleine. Wait. They're both annoying and they're both going to be in my house. This is going to be a pain in the ass. I requested Latte to stand, facing away from the airship port, at the tile that is several shades darker than the other ones, bags on the left side of her on the floor. Just in case. Just in case it is a kidnapper pretending to be her. Did I lock my laboratory? Shit. Oh shit. I have a bad feeling. Madeleine probably got in there by now. I don't have the cameras inside the house anymore. He's probably got in there. He's probably left fast due to the strong smell of coffee in there. Even I have to air out my laboratory every once in a while to prevent myself from breathing into pure caffeine instead of oxygen. WAIT. THE LABORATORY WOULD BE FULLY AIRED OUT SINCE THE SUGAR GNOME BUILDERS REBUILT IT WITH VENTILATION. How much I wish that I didn't pay as much for ventilation right now. Right. Ok. Breathe in. Breathe out. He wouldn't do that. Latte is waiting for me. I ran to the port quickly, avoiding the other people who tried interacting with me.
At the tile that's several shades darker stood her. Well. She looks different. Her hair. It is tied up. It is tied up in a bun.
'Ess?' She was waving her hand in front of my face.
'What's with the bun?'
'It's the wind! My hair was going everywhere. How are you managing in such a windy place?'
'Somehow am. Anyways how have you been? I haven't seen you in ages.'
'Eh. I've missed you so much! Why did you leave?' She was untying her hair, which hit her face as she removed the hair tie. I tried not to laugh.
'Impulse I guess. I've missed you too, but I wasn't able to contact you since I left my old phone in the Republic. It was deteriorating after all so it wouldn't have made it into the Vanilla Kingdom functioning.'
'There have to be more reasons why you left without notice. I don't think you would tell me why right now.'
'Ess, if there's a problem, you know I'm always here to talk.'
'Thank you. That means a lot to me.'
'Can we go to your place?'
'Sure. Sadly, Madeleine is there.'
'Wait, why?'
'He expected me to let him stay after he gave me your number.'
'That was the bare minimum for him to give you my number. Let's go!' She dragged me to the inn.
'That isn't my place.'
'We should get some coffee first! After all, I don't feel like seeing Madeleine. He's become more annoying recently.'
'I can tell. Do you want the usual? I can pay.'
'Sure. WAIT NO! I'LL PAY.'
'I'll pay. It's o-'
'Let me pay.'
'I'll pay.'
'Just let me pay.'
'Give me the money then.' She sighed and handed 10 coins to me. I went to the till and bought an espresso and a latte. I slipped them back into her pocket, when she wasn't watching.
'The drinks will be ready in about 5 minutes.'
'Espresso? You must have done something.' Fuck.
'What do you mean? The drinks usually take 5 minutes.'
'Whatever. But I will be paying you back.'
'When did you owe me?'
'Espresso. You're not convincing me. Your still a bad liar ahaha.'
'Fine.' I went to collect the drinks, which were perfectly made, like usual. She took her latte and poured it all into her mouth.
'I'm surprised you still remember my favourite type of coffee.'
'Obviously, I would.' She smiled a bit and waited for me to finish.
'Okayy. Can we go to your place now? I wanna check out the kingdom more tomorrow!'
'Sure. It's just a short walk away. I showed her the map to my house that I had tucked in my jacket just in case.
'That is 3 kilometres away! Are you mental?'
'Don't you have that flying spoon? Is it a spoon? The one you got as a gift from your friend in Parfaedia.'
'Yeah, but have you realised how big you are now, compared to the spoon?' I'm like 160cm tall. The spoon is about 90cm. It makes sense why 2 people can't travel with it. Latte's about a few centimetres shorter than me but would be able to travel safely and comfortably on it.
'We can go on the bus then.'
'Okay! No walking for 3 kilometres!' She's still the same Latte that I knew a few years ago.

Words: 782
Yay more motivation. Got a long chapter for once!! (Kind of long, but most of it's dialogue SORRYYY)
Quick notes:
And about Espresso and Latte bickering about who's paying - not too sure if only Chinese people do that, but they refuse to let the other person to pay, since it's considered respectful or something. Always see my mum refusing to let her friends pay for random shit. They go on for hours ahahah-
Since I don't get the currency, I will be making 10 coins = £1.

Insomniac | Espresseleine/Espresso x Madeleine [HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now