14. A day out

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After floras lesson Kate walked to me and miles rooms to see if we where ready, of course we where because it had been three hours. "Yeah, let me just grab my glasses" I said to her. "Oh, I didn't know you wore glasses" she said shocked "yeah, I don't wear them much around the house."I replied. "Ah, I see" she said nodding her head. She went in miles room next to see if he was ready.

I heard a knock at my door, I put down my guitar and got up to see it was Kate, "oh hey I was just about to get my shoes on" I said to her "alright! I'll be waiting downstairs, come down when you're ready" she said and smiled. I was not looking forward to this..

I met Kate and y/n downstairs and we went out to the car, me and y/n sat in the back with Kate in the front. "So Kate, do you have a boyfriend" y/n said trying to start a conversation. "Uhm nope not interested, do you?" She said smiling in the rear view, "no, not interested" y/n said calmly. I put my hand on her thigh "oh really?" I said, she smiled and turned pink on her cheeks, she was so pretty I couldn't stop staring at her. Kate looked back at us, "hey guys, I know we don't get along but I wanna say I'm sorry for being such a jerk, I'm not used to living with people like you and I should've been more understanding, I'm gonna try harder but that's only if you guys will to" she said, "and I never should've tried to police wether or not you to where together, alone or not, Mrs. grosse told me about you two knowing each other when you where kids and your families and stuff so I wanted to apologize for that to." Kate added. "Don't worry Kate, it's alright" y/n said smiling faintly "don't worry about it" I said.

I suppose Kate wasn't as bad as me and miles thought, she did grow up differently than us so she doesn't understand. We arrived to a store with a music note on the front, we can look around in here and then go out to lunch, unless you guys wanna do something else first? "Nope i wanna show y/n the Music Store" Miles said holding my hand. I smiled at him and we got out of the car walking into the store.

miles looked like a kid in a candy store and I couldn't help but appreciate his features, he was perfect.. he dragged me around the store showing me all of his favorite albums, showing me the ones he had, etc. I looked up at him and put my hands on his face, he was smiling bigger than I had ever seen him, he really did love music, it was an escape for him at least that's what he told me. He put his hand around my waist and we kissed, it felt more real than the other times we kissed I'm not sure how to explain it.. Kate walked up to us and we both pulled away I was flustered, shocker.

Miles kept showing me around the store while Kate followed behind us. Miles really knew a lot about music, it was impressive.

After I showed y/n around the store I bought her an album I thought she'd like, we then went out to lunch with Kate. "So, you guys really have nothing going on?" Kate was grinning giving us a dumb look, we had already told her we weren't dating, she sees me as her friend, nothing more, well sort of. "Will you quit prying, what we decide to do is none of your business god damn" I said in an annoyed tone, "alright then" she said putting her hand up in defeat. Y/n put her hand on my knee  under the table to stop it from bouncing up and down. "Calm down miles" she said in an even tone. "Yeah whatever" I brushed her hand off my leg and began bouncing it again, stuffing my face.

After we where done we went shopping, y/n bought new clothes for me and her, I was uninterested in all of it. When I was younger my mom would take me shopping and drag me around stores to buy school clothes. After we finished shopping Kate brought me and y/n home.

Y/n went straight up to my room and grabbed one of my sweaters, she got undressed slowly, she didn't even wait for me to look away, which was out of character for her. I didn't mind for obvious reasons but sat down on my bed admiring her body "miles" she said walking over to me still not wearing anything but a bra and underwear I looked up at her and put my hand on her hips, she sat down on my lap facing me while she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me we made out for awhile before I pulled away "what's this for baby?" I said and smirked at her "no reason, you're just perfect" she said ruffling my hair. I looked at her pupils and they where huge, it wasn't because I was 'perfect' she was acting like this because she was high, when did she even have time to take anything.. I hated when she got high, she wasn't herself. "No, it's because you're high" my hand where still on her thighs, "yeah, so?" She said smiling at me "why does it matter miles?" Her voice was slurred now "because I don't want to have sex with you while you're high" I said stern but gentle. "You wanna have sex any other time but when I wanna have sex you say no?" She said annoyed. "Babe, I want to have sex with you every minute of every day, but not this version of you when you're high. I don't like you like this" she got upset and got off me. "Whatever miles." She started putting my sweater on "what did you take?" I got up so I was standing opposite of her "uhhh, I dunno I think it was fentanyl or Vicodin or something" she said titling her head confused her voice still slurred and quiet "what?? You're doing fentanyl?" I said frantic. "Uhm yeah? I guess?" She giggled and started walking out I grabbed her hand, "stay here, I'm going to get water." I looked at her and helped her to my bed where she laid down "okkk" she said, and I went to get her water.

I'm worried, about her..

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