Just some slut

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It was a cold Friday morning and as Lavender walked into the independents inn she was listening to her sisters best friend lane ramble in about rich bloominfeld
Who she was apparently in love with. Not that lavender cared much though she had little to no interest in the girls love life or lack there of. It was lucky for lane that lavender was listening however as Rory didn't seem to take in anything her friend was saying to focused on thinking about Dean something lavender had grown very tired of. Lavender was happy for her sister don't get her wrong but lavender doesn't like being ignored and Rory's obsession with Dean has recently taken all her attention. When she's not with Dean she's talking about him or off in a day dream thinking about him just waiting until she's with him again.
"Rory focus please" Lane begged her friend
"I'm sorry I just can't find my book"
"Hey babes, sergeant pepper" lorelai greeted the 3 teens
"Hey mom" lavender smiled up at her mother
"Mom do you know where my"
"Big scary chemistry book is? Behind the desk"
"Oh thank god" Rory replies walking away
Lavender just rolled her eyes
"So is Sookie in the kitchen?" Rory asked her mother as she returned
"And there she'll stay"
"Ok so where were we?" Rory asked her friend
"I just meet my soul mate"
"Right rich bloominfeld. Does he still wear the Star Trek shirt?"
"Oof red flag if he does" Lavender said with a snort
Lane just rolled her eyes at the girls as they entered the kitchen
"Hey Sookie" Rory smiled brightly as she entered
"Hey kitty cats cinnamon buns are over there"
"Oo yes Sookie your the best" lavender tells her as she made a bee line for the cinnamon buns grabbing one for on the way to school
"So anyhow rich has this amazing hair"
"Omg it's so perfect it's thick but it's not to thick and it's got really good natural wave so he probably uses way less product than most guys"
"She's right he does have really nice hair doesn't he" Lavender agrees with lane as she returns
Lane smiles at lavender appreciating the fact that at least someone was paying attention to her
"Always a plus. Hey what time is it?" Rory asked
"I don't know" lane told her friend slightly annoyed
"I have to get to the bus stop deans meeting me there."
"But I'm trying to talk to you about this"
"I know we'll talk in the way" Rory tells her clearly not picking up on the fact that lane was also growing tired or Rory's obsession with Dean
"Here you go" Sookie said handing Rory a bag full of rocky road cookies
"Thank you Sookie"
"Hey sweets I have a locksmith coming to the house today at like 5ish I don't know how long it'll take. So will you tell grandma and grandpa that I'm gonna be late, and that I'm having satans baby. You pick the order" lorelai tells the twins as she enters the kitchen
"Aw another baby how exciting. Out of wedlock again though so imma leave it upto you to tell them that" Lavender tells her mother Who just shakes her head with a smile at her oldest daughter.
"I'll relay the time message, but I'm leaving the rest up to you." Rory tells her mom
"What is this? you hate rocky road cookies" lorelai askes grabbing the bag of cookies from Rory's hand
"I do not"
"Oh I'm sorry that must be my other daughter shmory."
"We're leaving now." Rory states trying to exit as quick as possible
"Wait a minute. I know who like rocky road cookies." Lorelai tells them in a teasing voice a grin plastered on her face
"Who?" Sookie asks
"Dean they're for Dean."
"She's being baked goods to a boy. Wow, serious." Sookie says smiling
"Here Dean these cookies are for you cause your keen" Lorelai teases in a high pitched voice
Lavender smiles at this
"Rory's in love!"
"Love, love, love! Dean, Dean, Dean!"
"Love and the Dean and the cookies and the love and the Dean" Sookie and lorelai sang as the 3 teens exited the kitchen

As the 3 girls made there way to the bus stop lane continued to go on and on about her 'soul mate'
"I just can't believe it. I mean, I've known him since the sixth grade. But suddenly he's different he's not gangly anymore. You remember how gangly he was?" Lane asked
"Oh yeah how could anyone forget" Lavender replied with a laugh
"I'm sorry what?" Rory asked not having heard anything her friend was telling her.
"Your not listening to me." Lane told Rory sadly
"I am I'm sorry. I just couldn't find my bookmark. Ok go ahead."
"Ok here are the problems facing the whole bloominfeld-Kim situation."
"One hyphenation would be a pain."
"Two he's my band partner. Romance would be completely awkward. Three he's never even looked at me like I'm a girl or something resembling one. Four there's no way I could convince my parents he's Korean. But I can't help it I'm obsessed. Did I tell you about his hair?"
"It's on his head right?"
"I mean it's probably other places. Bit early for you to know those exact details yet though right?" Lavender questioned lane with a smirk
But before lane could respond they where interrupted but Dean
"Hi" Dean greeted Rory from behind
"Hi" Rory smiled up at him
"Lane, Lavender" Dean greeted the other girls
"Dean" lane responded with a slightly sour face
"Nice hat" the boy chucked as he made his way over to sit next to Rory.
"Here" Dean handed Rory a book
"Oh how'd you like it?" Rory asked
"Well I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you."
"Aha you liked it. You liked Jane Austen I knew you would. Guys Dean likes Jane Austin" Rory stated as she turned to look at her sister and friends
"Wow who would of thought?" Lane replied not caring one bit
"Blowing my mind every single day dean-o" Lavender said bored
"I told him he would. But he was all forget Jane Austin, you have to read hunter thompson" Rory tells the girls oblivious to the fact that neither one of them cared at all
"You do have to read hunter Thompson" Dean tells Rory
"Not as much as you needed to read Jane Austin."
"Yeah yeah, hey what's that?" Dean asks grabbing the bag of cookies from Rory's hand
"Just some cookies"
"Rocky road."
"Wow she brings me cookies. How can I replay her?"
"How about a little charlotte Bronte?" Rory questions A smile on her face
Dean smirks "how about something else?" He asks but before she could reply he leaned in and kissed the youngest Gilmore
"That's good too." Rory smiles
Lane rollers her eyes and takes this as her que to leave "ok I gotta go I'm gonna be late for home room and I have that perfect attendance certificate in my sights"
"See you later" Rory smiles clearly oblivious to the fact that her friend is upset
Lavender truly felt bad for lane in this moment. Lane was always there for Rory but now that Rory has Dean she's completely ignoring her. Lavender thought it was disgusting it in-raged her to the point she couldn't stay silent so as the Gilmore twins climbed on to the bus and took there seats Lavender turned to her sister and gave her a look
"What?" Rory questioned
"What the hell was that?" Lavender asked with a scowl
"What was what?" Rory asked
"You just completely ignored lane back there"
"What no I didn't" Rory defended
"Yes you most certainly did. She was trying to talk to you and you completely blew her off. Yes it may have been a dumb conversation and I for one have no idea why she's interested in rich bloominfeld but still she's your best friend and part of  the best friend job description is listening when they ramble on about boys"
"I was listening!"
"Look just because you have a boyfriend now doesn't mean you get to be a shitty friend" Lavender tells her sister. Yes it may be harsh but in lavenders mind Rory needed to hear it.
"At least I can get a boyfriend!" Rory tells lavender angrily "I'm sorry I actually care about someone but I'm not just some slut that just toys around with boys not caring about anyone  like you!" Rory blurted out regretting what she said before she even finished saying it
"Lavenders I'm" Rory started but it was to late Lavenders was already out of her seat and storming towards the back of the bus before she could apologise.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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