Birthday girl

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Friday night is possible Lavenders least favourite night of the week. Friday night dinner with the grandparents being the soul reason for her disliking of it.
Rory has always been the favourite grandchild but that doesn't bother lavender very much as she honestly doesn't care for her grandparents very much. She has zero patience for their bull shit. Lavender was currently sat next to her sister opposite their mother bored out of her mind listened to her grandmother waffle on about something lavender didn't care about in the slightest.
"Sorry for that" Lavenders grandfather Richard apologised as he made his way into the dining room "a little trouble in our China office, what did I miss?"
"I was being impossible then I turned into a Jewish comedian" Lorelai told her father as he sat down at the head of the table
"Oh, well continue" he replied simply
"Thank you. Where was I?" Emily questioned
"Joseph Stanford is coming tomorrow" Rory reminded her grandmother
"Ah yes, so Rory, Lavender your grandfather and I thought it might be nice for you to go around and pick out what you'd like us to leave you in our will"
"Take a look at that desk in my office! It's a really fine Georgian Piece" Richard added
Lavender just sat giving her grandparents a look of disbelief 'what the fuck' lavender thought to herself.
"Why don't I ever bring a tape recorder to these dinners" Lorelai said also thinking that the two were insane.
"Oh well, anything you wanna leave us is fine" Rory told Richard and Emily
"Nonsense. You should have what you like. So just look around and when you see something you like put a post-it on it."
"Ohkay, you two have officially hit a new leave of weird that even I marvel at." Lorelai tells her parents
Lavender chuckles nodding in agreement. Which earned her a disapproving look from her grandparents.
"You can pick out thing to you know." Emily tells lorelai.
"Well that's way less creepy then"
"You hear that Richard apparently we are creepy"
"Yes, well you live and learn"
"Oh,cool!" Rory interrupts
"What's that?" Lorelai asks her mother in disbelief.
"It's pudding" lorelai states
Lavender just digs in not waiting for anyone else.
"If you knew what it was then why did you ask?"
"You don't like pudding"
"but you like pudding"
"Oh I love pudding. I worship it. I have a bowl up on the mantel at home with a the Virgin Mary, glass of wine and dollar bill next to it." Lorelai sarcastically tells her mother.
"I've never had pudding from a crystal bowl before" Rory said
"You like the bowl?" Emily asked
Rory nodded
"Put a post-it on it when your done" Emily tells Rory
Lavender just rolls her eyes she couldn't care less about what her grandparents left her, all of their stuff was ugly anyway.

The next half an hour was spend with all 3 Gilmore girls roming around their grandparents huge house sticking post-it's on random carp that they couldn't care less about.
"So what do we think of this?" Lorelai asks her daughters
Lavender just made a gagging noise thinking it was hideous.
"Where would we put it?" Rory asked
"I don't know. The Emily and Richard Gilmore psycho museum?" Lorelai said
"Not at bad idea to be honest it would make a killing" lavender told her mother with a giggle
"This is the strangest evening I've ever spent here" Rory tells the girls
"Same" said lavender simply with a frown.
"So how are we doing?" Emily asks the girls as see enters the room.
"Great, Just getting ready for the big day." Lorelai tells her mom as she sticks a post-it on an ugly old vase.
"Very nice"
"So, it's getting late mom. So unless you've got some funeral plots for us to decorate we should probably get going."
"Any special requests for dinner next week?" Emily asks the twins.
Lavender frowned its the girls birthday next Friday and Lavender dose not want to spend it having dinner with her grandparents. She would much sooner run into on coming traffic.
"Oh- well" Rory starts but was quickly cut off by her mom
"Mom I want to talk to you for a minute. Girls why don't you go say goodbye to Grandpa."
"Very smooth" Rory comments as both girls exit the room.

The three girls all sat in the car
"So how would you like two party's this year?" Lorelai asked her daughters
"Couldn't get her to cave." Rory said glumly
Lavender just sighed sitting back in her seat with a huff.
"No, but she did agree to make the string quartet Learn like a virgin"
Lavender laughed "now that I would like to see"
"Well you tried." Rory said not finding it funny at all.
"Sweetie I promise, Saturday night we'll do it up right at home, a stars hollow extravaganza." Lorelai said smiling at her daughters
"Fine, but you have to promise to pretend not to see me when i steal some of your beers" Lavender told her mother
Lorelia just chuckled at her daughter shaking her head.
"So, is this party grandmas having gonna be a big deal?" Rory questioned
"Not really. The government will close that day." Lorelai starts
"Here we go" Lavender says rolling her eyes at her mothers dramatics
"Flags will fly at half-mast. Barbra streisand will give her final concert... again. Now, the pope has plans. But he's trying to get out of them. However, Elvis and Jim Morrison are coming, and they're bringing chips." Lorelia smiles at a frowning Rory who is not at all impressed
"You ask a simple question."

Lavender Gilmore was stood leaning up against a locker waiting for her younger sister Rory who was currently rummage around in her locker.
" hurry up, I'm bored" Lavender grumbled
"Hang on hang on" Rory said waving a hand at the girl
"Hey" a deep voice said causing both sisters to jump slightly
"What Tristan?" Rory bitterly asked the blonde boy who stood next to her locker
"I just wanted to say happy birthday" Tristan told Rory
"It's not my birthday"
"No, but it will be." Tristan said as he pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket "on Friday at 4:03 in the morning, lorelai leigh.."
"What is that?" Rory asked snatching the paper from his hands "who else got these?"
"I don't know. Everyone in our class I think." Tristan said smirking
Rory slammed her locker closed "I have to go"
It was clear to Lavender that Rory wasn't happy about this at all. She tried to follow her sister but was stopped.
"Not so fast birthday girl." Tristan said smiling at the girl "happy birthday flower" he held out a small wrapped gift
"It's not my birthday yet Tristan" Lavender told him
"Just shut up and take it"
Lavender smiled laughing at the boy as she unwrapped her gift, inside was a packet of smokes. Lavender smiled
"Thank you" Lavender laughed pulling Tristan in for a hug
"Your welcome flower. I figured I owed you a packet anyway since I'm always stealing yours"he replied smiling
"So your not really giving me a birthday gift your repaying a debt" lavenders replies raising her eyebrows
"Oh shut up" Tristan says giving the girl a light shove blushing
Lavender just laughed at the boy
"your coming to my party then?" Lavender questioned the boy
"of course I am!"
"Good I don't think I will survive it without you!" Lavender sighed not looking forward to the night at all.
"I could even give you an extra special birthday gift if you know what I mean" Tristan winked smirking
Lavender matched his smirk pulling him closer flirtatiously
Then flicked his nose. The smirk was instantly wiped off tristans face
"Goodbye Tristan" Lavender smirked as she walked away laughing.

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