𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝟏: 𝐀 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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Despite having worked at Hanbada Law for many years as a Managing Director, Chae Jeong-Hui feels like a stranger. Working all day with no sleep at night, and crawling out of bed before daylight. Chae has this weird habit of being herself all the time; that's why not everyone at work liked her. Her only friend in the company was the CEO, but even then it felt more like a friendly business partner. Plus, maintaining platonic, let alone romantic, relationships is a struggle for her.

Being treated less favorably due to a disability is discriminatory. It can happen at school, at work, or in a public space. You can be discriminated against by friends, family, teachers, co-workers, managers, and literally anyone you come across. Chae Jeong-Hui had been through it all. Disliked for her ADHD tendencies, and disliked for pretending to be ADHD. It's a huge mountain that Chae continues to climb.

On one side of the coin, Chae is one of the lucky ones. Having been born in wealth and diagnosed at an early age. On the other side of the coin, Chae is unlucky. Having been disinherited and exiled from her main family.

Many places aren't made for people like her, but she'd like to keep the door open for them. One contract job led to another, and she ended up working at Hanbada Law. Her role reports to the CEO and oversees all members of the firm's support staff and administrative team, including marketing, human resources, technology, finance, and facilities management.

Chae's office is located in the HR Team and General Services section. It has a dark vibe, with a long wooden, floating table, occupying the shorter black wall. There are two couches facing each other, made of cream color pillows and brown-leather edges, and a coffee table between the two. Her desk is full of character, made of rich wood and black tones, though she hardly uses it. Right next to the desk is a rounded bookshelf that reaches the ceiling. Small potted plants bring warmth into the office. Her glass window wall is covered by a curtain.

She's walking around her office, reading through an application form. Going through a stack of applicant rejects, as one of her responsibilities is to determine attorney and non-attorney hiring needs, and collaborate with others to recruit, interview, and screen applicants for attorney and non-attorney positions. The hiring phase has already happened, but Chae needs to find a new assistant.

Do you ever think that anything you put down on paper becomes two-dimensional? Paper starts off with a blank expression, but once written/ printed it can have power, money, orders, resumes etc. It reveals exactly what it has been told to do, but presents itself as black and white. Paper edits, omits, discriminates, whitewashes, and compresses complexity into a rectangle.

Woo Young-woo
IQ: 164
SNU Law school, Honors Roll

The strawberry milk on the tip of her tongue spits out like watermelon seeds. A striking distance, as it plants her anger, her bad feelings, her fear. How did this decision go past her?

Pulling out her galaxy flip phone, she calls her boss, the CEO of Hanbada Law Firm. "Hey I need to talk to you, I'll be there in two minutes."

Hanbada Law Firm is a prestigious building with chestnut brown walls mixed with glass and leafy plants. It's simplistic, yet comfortable. It's not too hot or too cold, there is always a free lounge to sit at. She runs out of her office, fast, in black-leather-heeled boots. She blazes through the hallway and heads to Legals Affairs Section.

"Good Morning–" he stood frigid and cold before black eyes rolled over at the speedy women. His gaze falls upon her, watching her run towards the CEO's office. He stares at her for a long second and then sighs, recomposing his dark blazer he makes his way.

She's like the wind, blowing off the people around her. He knows she's not doing it on purpose, having gone through this for many years, but it still stings.

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