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Here's the first update as promised! And I'll upload a spotify playlist for the book below! Feel free to access my account to listen!

4 years later, 2024.

"Chachu! I don't want to go to school." The whine from his niece makes Abir and the interviewer chuckle.
"That's my niece, Amisha." He replies and she nods smiling.
"I'll be back in 5." He adds and goes to check upon her.
"Who's annoying my laddu now!" He states dramatically as Jiya, the interviewer shakes her head and smiles.

After cajoling his darling niece, Abir returns and apologises for the disturbance.
"It's alright sir. Let's continue?" Jiya questions.
"Sure Jiya. We left off at my third book I guess." Abir chuckles.
"Yes sir. Your third book, is titled, "This life". Any inspiration?" She asks nervously. Why shouldn't she be? She was sitting infront of the most renowned writer of the year.

"Like I told in the beginning Jiya, inspiration is not something that comes to you like it was destined. It just happens. And this book, is the same. I still remember when I wrote the first draft and discarded it to pieces." He reminisces.
"Sir, maybe nobody noticed it but I'm  quite an observer." Jiya continues as Abir frowns, confused.

"In each of your book, you have mentioned in the beginning and in the end that the story was dedicated to a star." Jiya concludes as Abir lets out a humorless chuckle and looks at her.
"Finally someone who decoded it." He exclaims as Jiya giggles too.
"So, these 13 stars that you mentioned in the books are from the Lyra and Aquila constellations." Jiya says.

"Yes they are." Abir concurs.
"What about those two main stars of the constellations?" She questions.
"Ah, Vega and Altair." Abir reprimands smiling sadly.
"These constellations appear only during July. Any special reason you're releasing the last book of the series, next week, on the 7th of July when these two constellations meet closely?" Jiya asks.

"You've done your fair share of research Jiya." Abir remarks as the interviewer nods.
"But before knowing about Vega and Altair, I want you to know about two others." He continues.
"Your characters in the book?" She queries.

"More or less." Abir smirks.

5 years ago, 2019.

Still in a daze of the bashing concert, Abir arrived home and directly reached his room to avoid any sort of face off with his mother. Because he knew if that happened, then another call would go to his brother. One filled with complaints and regrets of his mother. Therefore, he sneaked in and closed the door carefully.

But who was he trying to fool!

Before he could lie on his bed peacefully, the cold command from his mother made him jerk upright. He let out a frustrated groan and went downstairs where his mother, Meenakshi Rajvansh was seated comfortably on the rock chair.

"Abir, when will you stop this?" She questioned directly.
"What? Living my life?" He questioned chuckling whilst his mother glared at him. He shut his mouth.
"This childish nature Abir! When is the end to it? You think you can live the rest of your life without any responsibility under my roof?" She questioned harshly.

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