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2019, St. Claret's hospital, UK.



That's what Abir felt when he saw Mishti being connected to different wires on a hospital bed. He was blaming himself, 100 percent. He was supposed to be there. He was supposed to take care of her if something happened to her. But he had let his ego take the best out of him and had abandoned her. With a heartache so bad that she had a seizure. Akshara tried her best not to lose her calm and guided the nurses.

"Get me the defibrillator now!" She yelled as one of the nurses gave her the paddles that were surging with electricity. Akshara rubbed them after adding the glue, and looked at the nurse.
"On my count, 1,2,3. Clear!" She said and pressed them on Mishti's chest. She bounced on the bed but the monitor didn't respond. It was flat. Like her heartbeat.
"Flatline. Repeat again. 1,2,3. Clear!" Akshara tried again and it was of no use. A tear drop, fell on Abir's cheek unknowingly as he saw the scene unfolding infront of his eyes.

"Clear!" This time, the monitor started beeping so loudly that Akshara cried in joy. Immediately assisting her friend with a oxygen mask, she provided her body with all the meds it required. Abir still couldn't move, until his own mother held his shoulder and made him sit on the chair. Meenakshi knew what her son was going through. He had experienced this kind of fear when his father died. And he had shielded his brother from everything, taking all of the trauma of seeing his father, as the elder child.

"She's stable now. You can meet her once she's shifted to her room." Akshara assured Mishti's mother. Radhika released a sigh and thanked her daughter's friend. Then she turned towards Abir and his mother.
"It's okay. Don't blame yourself, Abir." She settled beside him.
"She has a room here?" He barely whispered.
"Yes. This is where she was admitted when the accident happened. Since Akshara works here, we have arranged a private room for such emergencies." Radhika explained.

"Are you not going to meet her?" She suddenly questioned when Abir got up and turned to leave.
"No. Indirectly I have caused her harm. And I cannot her face her so soon." His head hung low as he directed those words towards her mother. Abir's gaze met Meenakshi's, only to find her concerned and not ashamed like he had expected. Was his mother really good at feigning emotions or was she genuine?

"Abir, the last time she had a seizure was 2 weeks ago. Before you guys met. And then too, nobody had realised until we found her passed out in the confinements of her room. Mishti is very hard to live with. Because she's the one who makes thing hard. She doesn't expect and makes sure that you don't too. That's how she tries to "act" normal, after the mishap. So it's totally not your fault because you were pissed at her." Radhika calmly spoke.

Abir was too stunned to speak. He definitely knew what Mishti's state of mind was, but hearing it from the woman who gave birth to her, was another experience. Right at that moment, he noticed someone coming towards the room, more like rushing. He saw Preethi, Mishti's cousin, and also an amazing actress, who was a recipient of thousand awards. Her features were laced with tension.

"She's stable now. Don't worry." Radhika assured and she sighed, nodding and taking a look at him.
"Abir?" Preethi called out and his reverie broke.
"How do you-"
"Ah! Maasi informed about you." She smiled.
"I'll get going. Kunal's coming home with his wife. To talk." Meenakshi said and stood up.
"And I will be there. Schedule the meeting for dinner then." Abir demanded. His mother shot him a look of annoyance and nodded, taking leave.

"Wow. That was intense." Preethi chuckled.
"Kids are apparently difficult to handle by parents, aren't they?" Abir mocked and they took a seat. Preethi shuddered and released a shaky breath.
"They are. Especially when you're not ready for them." Her statement made Abir cough, a desperate attempt to hide his curiosity.
"Hey! You can judge all you want but that's the truth. And it hurts like a bitch." Preethi smiled.

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