Chapter 16

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Finally, Saturday arrived, and the group was gathered at the Wharf setting up for the start-of-summer bash, which Sea Cliff Heights High held every year in lieu of a prom. The event included students of all years, not just the juniors and seniors, and was funded through bake sales, donations from local businesses, and ticket purchases. This year, my group had volunteered to serve as the party committee. I had been arranging floral centerpieces on all the tables. Strategically placed candles enhanced the decor, creating a sophisticated, elegant atmosphere.

"This is looking great, Leah!" Kara exclaimed as she finished blowing up a silver balloon. Glancing around, she absently tied a ribbon to the balloon and handed it to Jenny, who was creating a balloon bouquet.

"Thanks!" I said, beaming. "I can't wait to see it all come together. Once we get all the balloons and lights in place, we'll be good to go." As we worked, we blasted the radio. Kevin arrived from his shift to find me singing and Kara dancing to the music, while Jenny watched as she tried to hide an amused smirk.

"Hey guys!"

"Hey, Kevin," I greeted, dancing over to him to pull him into the room. "I'm glad you're here. Brian needs help hanging the lights."

"Sure. Where do you want them?"

"Around the windows, across the metal work, and around the palm tree in the corner."

"You do have big plans for this room," Brian said with a chuckle, wrapping his arms around me briefly before shaking Kevin's hand.

"Leah's got vision," Jenny agreed, making her way over to greet Kevin with a kiss on the cheek.

Glad to see that my friends were getting through the rough week, I lost myself in the beat filling the room, swaying to the pulsating rhythm of drums and bass guitar. I knew Jenny was going through a lot, but she seemed to be bouncing back. "As soon as I finish setting up the last few tables, I'll help hang the lights so the rest of this vision can come to life."

"We'll get started in the meantime," Kevin volunteered. He glanced over at Brian, who nodded, and they began hanging the lights around the windows, using the closest ladder already set up for the task.

Jenny placed her finished balloon bouquet on the closest table. "Five down, six more to go," she reported.

"It's looking awesome!" I said, glancing up from my work at one of the last tables to be dressed with linens, flowers, and candles. We had gone with deep red tablecloths, white candles with elegant crystal candlesticks, and red and white roses to complement the decor. The balloons were silver, black, and red.

Finished setting the tables, I set to work helping Kevin and Brian hang the twinkle lights while Kara and Jenny continued creating the balloon bouquets.

It didn't take us long to finish, especially when David took a break from working in the kitchens preparing food. When everything was done, we stepped back to admire our handiwork.

"Perfect!" Kara exclaimed, wrapping her arms around me. "I can't wait for everyone to see it."

I took in the room. A floor-to-ceiling mural of the castle on Jantyr stood against one wall, courtesy of Brian. It brought the party's otherworldly fairytale theme to life. "Brian's mural is incredible. It looks exactly like the real thing," I said.

"Thanks, Leah," Brian said, running a hand through his hair, cheeks flushed. He smiled at me, and our gazes locked into one of our trademark soulful glances.

"Aww," Kara teased. "How cute!"

"On that note, I'm going to go check on the food. Anyway, great job, guys! We've outdone ourselves this year." With those parting words, David retreated.

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