Chapter 18

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We arrived at the airship port after another hour and a half's journey east. The port consisted of a large landing pad by a desert river, which also functioned as a dock for boats and other seafaring craft. As the group drove through the village, King Korin explained the history of the place. Around the port had long ago sprung up a beautifully developed city of simple domed houses of metal framework and opaque crystal, landscaped with palm trees and a wide variety of fragrant, colorful tropical flowers and cacti. Serving as the heart of the city, the port lay directly across from a huge building King Korin pointed out as the village hall, surrounded by all sorts of shops and restaurants. Sunburned and dusty from the desert journey, we parked by the dock and dismounted.

"It's a beautiful city!" I exclaimed, watching people sit outside the various cafés enjoying a light lunch or perusing the shops. Others fished in the river by the pier or out in small boats, and still others worked in the outdoor gardens or nearby greenhouses.

"Emerald Oasis is one of the top cities in the world," King Korin boasted. "Before I left for the palace when the rule fell to me, I grew up here. My younger brothers and I helped out in the gardens, and we'd play in the river every afternoon."

"Sounds like a wonderful way to grow up." I gazed out at the rippling emerald waters, enchanted by the view.

"It was. I'd love to return when I retire."

"How long have you been king?" I asked, curious, but quickly sat back down on the hover scooter and put a hand to my head as a wave of dizziness overtook me.

"About five years now." Seeing how pale and weak I suddenly appeared, his brow furrowed in concern. "Are you all right, First Daughter?"

"I'm fine."

Brian rushed to my side and put an arm around me. I shrugged him off. "You never complain," he said, "but it's the Power crystal. It's starting to drain you."

Meeting his gaze, I saw worry in his eyes. "It must be. I am starting to get tired and dizzy. Or maybe everything's starting to catch up to me."

"We should go eat lunch. The airship will arrive in port this evening, if the schedule is still what it used to be," Caleb suggested.

We selected the closest café and opted to sit down inside. To my relief, the interior felt at least twenty degrees cooler than the hot outdoors. I found it wonderfully refreshing after riding so long in the blazing sun beneath cloudless purple skies.

As we seated ourselves at a table overlooking the river, Brian and King Korin had a silent, intense battle over which of them would sit next to me. I had already taken a seat by the window, not sure I wanted either of them to win. Caleb ended the contest by practically dragging Brian to the other side of the table, across from the king. Shaking my head at their antics, I glanced around at the other customers. Most of them could pass for human, though some had slightly different features along with hair and skin coloring not found on Earth. One family displayed orange skin, blue hair, and dark grey eyes — how cool! — while another had purple skin with silver hair.

"So, Leah, tell me something about yourself," the king said after our waitress brought four waters and the menus to the table. "What has your life been like all these years since your disappearance?"

"Well, when Erik tried to use the Soul crystal on me, I escaped to another world called Earth. It's a planet with one yellow sun and only one rocky grey moon. I was adopted and grew up there by the ocean in a town called Sea Cliff Heights. My mom, dad, and brother are wonderful, the best family anyone could ask for. It was a great childhood, like you had here. We went swimming every day practically, and my brother David and two of our best friends surf — rode the high waves on a surfboard." Here I trailed off and frowned, a painful lump in my throat. Stop thinking of them and deal with being here now, I told myself. Focus on why I came.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2022 ⏰

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