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You took the last sip of your coffee as you nonchalantly looked down at the busy city streets, fixing your messy suit and tie as you made yourself look as best as you could after pulling yet another all-nighter due to certain matters you had to deal with in the middle of the night.

You sighed as you ran your fingers in your hair, finger combing it with your roughed up hands. You walked up to the kitchen counter and put the now empty cup down before picking up a plate that contained a simple yet healthy breakfast for an unhealthy living girl next door.

You walked up to your door as you put your fancy looking shoes on with the plate in hand, walking out of your apartment and making your way to Ava's.

You knock on the door once, not getting an immediate response as you knocked again with the same response, your eye twitched as you assumed that Ava was oversleeping again..on the day of her job interview.

So you did what any logical person would do and kicked the door down with little to no effort, effectively breaking the door's lock and earning a thud followed by muffled yelling from inside.

You came inside the apartment as you looked back at the now broken door, which you had to remind yourself that you should fix that later before nudging the door with your foot so it would close.

You made your way to the kitchen and put the plate down on the counter as you leaned on said counter with your hands in your pockets. The yelling turned into grumbling as the bedroom door soon opened, an angry looking Ava came out with her eye twitching.

"What the..frICK did you do to my door, Y/N.." she said through clenched teeth, earning a nonchalant shrug from you.

"Never mind that, I'll deal with that later" you said casually as you turned your head towards the door with your still nonchalant expression before turning back to Ava with a teasing look.

"So how was your sleep, sleeping beauty?" you said with a small smirk and tired eyes as Ava pursed her lips, a red tint appearing on her cheeks at the teasing you were giving her 'so early in the morning'.

She scoffed before groggily making her way towards the kitchen and reaching out to open the fridge before you stopped her action by raising your arm in front of her. "Ugh, What is it now...i just wanna eat breakfast.." she grumbled as she closed her eyes sleepily.

"Your breakfast is over there" you motion "I advice you hurry up too because you're very damn late to your job interview" you said casually with your hand still raised as the other was in your pocket.

Your words seemed to make her snap out of her groggy state as her eyes went wide, her hands dramatically clutching her messy hair with a panicked expression. "OH MY IRENE! MY JOB INTERVIEW!" she screamed as she ran towards the kitchen counter where her still warm breakfast was.

She faltered for a second at the sight of her very tasty looking breakfast as she glanced at your back which was turned to her as you continued to lean on the kitchen counter, she puffed out her cheeks as she started eating her breakfast with pink cheeks.

"Ye knowr y'downt huf ter kiwp duwing tis everyder... (you know you dont have to keep doing this everyday..)" she said as she continued to chew, feeling guilty knowing that you haven't gotten rest in a while due to your job but you still manage to make time to take care of her. You turn your head to glance at her behind your back as you replied.

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