•Chapter 4•

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Your eye twitches as you stand in an empty apartment where the 5 daemos and 1 woman were meant to be waiting. You put the medical kit on the kitchen counter as you inhale and pinch your temple.

'I was gone for 2 minutes..' you thought as you started rubbing your forehead, feeling the headache worsen. You figured it was Ava's idea to lose the men somewhere, considering how much she was scared of them.

You looked outside where a peaceful orange sky displayed itself, it was almost night and Ava is with 5 men all alone. You furrowed your brows as you tie your h/l hair back as best as you could and dialed a certain number on your phone.

"Heya boss, what's goin on?"

"I need you to track someone for me, she's in the city, Black hair, pink eyes, pink hoodie shirt with 5 men in demon cosplays. Do it now." You said in a strict tone.

"Ohoho man, I wonder what's goin on with them, cause ya sound like yer pretty upset boss, don't worry I'll help ya, I'm on it"

"Thank you and don't tell anyone about this request."

"Oh dayum, a secret? I don't know if i could keep that shit you get what I'm sayin.." a puff of air and fast clicks of a keyboard was heard from the other line, he was smoking in work again.

"You really don't have much of a choice here, its your job and I'm the one that pays you so work. Also put that cigarette away, smoking isn't allowed in the office" You said with a shrug as you walk upto the window, looking down at the busy city streets.

You narrow your eyes as you try to spot a few familiar people in the crowd, a glimpse of worry for your best friend Ava showing in your tired eyes.

Laughter sounded from the other line as you tilt your head slightly towards the phone to hear if he's got any news on Ava.

"Sorry boss, I'm puttin the cig away don't ya worry and as for the people yer lookin for, the cams say their at the City Hall. Ha, the city Hall huh, I sorta see why yer hunting these fellas down."

You perk up at the word 'city hall' quickly turning around to make your way out of the apartment complex.

'of course she'd take them to the government' you thought to yourself with a deadpan.

"Well shet, one of em is strangling the new guard and the lil missy left the scene. Should i call the police or do ya have this covered, boss?" You heard him say with slight interest on what's happening.

"Can you see their faces?" You said as your voice was accompanied by the wind due to your fast running.

"Nah, their backs are facing the cam. Same goes for the lil missy." he said, you could tell he actually tried to see their faces by the slight disappointment in his tone.

'Good.' you thought as you slide and turn around a corner, into an alleyway for a shortcut.

"I have it all under control. I'll hang up now, thank you for your service. Just tell me what you want in return when you finally decide." You said with urgency as you tried your best not to seem obvious, you did not want the cops to get involved into this, nonetheless Ava.

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