Chapter 2: A white dress of fate

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This will be Luffia's point of view.

When I'm reading the manga, I realized that there is no Luffy's bubble when thinking----- so now it's weird for me to write from her Point of view as Luffia but I need this for angst.

Sorry for the sudden first-person point of view.

Luffia's point of view

The sun's up that's the first thing I felt once I struggle to open my eyes from too many tears that dried when I cried last night.
I can feel myself sweating too, which means I didn't open the air conditioner last night.

In my hazed mind, I slide down the bed, eyes still close and unsure if I'm tangled with my blanket or not.

Knowing I am in an absolute mess only proves when I finally opened my eyes after successfully navigating my way through my bathroom without anything that hinders me, and with my reflection seen in the mirror.

"Ah what an ugly sight"

It's a face mess with makeup smudge from too much crying.
Guess I needed to do the laundry for my bed sheets and pillowcases that I used last night.
The makeup might cling to them and I can't remove it anymore.

"A bath will do"

I sighed before dumping all my clothes to the floor and entering the shower, discarding all hot, warm, or cold water to bath with.

I needed breakfast, or was it lunch already?

Setting aside the time I need something to fill my stomach.

I showered for 15 minutes before doing the beauty routine Mom always let me put into---- not all of us sisters strictly followed.

Mom is a supermodel even at her age, one of the tops as that. She always wanted a daughter who'll follow her but I guess, she can only ask that from her grandchildren, not from me though, I don't think I'll ever have one as long as Shanks will forever be the big brother on me or uncle?

Think about my mom who smiles and encourages me when I'm down and lets me be me as long I know my limitations and know what I am worth.

Mom, I wanted to tell you that I envy my sisters for having such a flourishing love life. I'm not the naive or clueless youngest daughter that you once told me, and what people assume I am.
How can I be when it comes to love I'm the one who's waiting for decades for someone to return it?

You and Dad lift me with the story of how you fell together, you feed it all on us when we are young. And since then I hope that I too will receive a man like Dad is to you.
I never got the chance to tell you who I like mom, and I'm sorry for not doing so.
Your daughter, your youngest daughter, Luffia----- is broken beyond relief. I always hope, I always chase, I always want, and now all I can say is, that I wanted the relationship my sisters have with their lovers.

They look so healthy, so happy, they are even glowing!

Seeing how Ann giggles around Marco while eyes twinkling with affection and Marco looking at her with fondness and obvious love--- mom will I ever receive that type of affection?

Sabrina and Smoker's relationship is what do we call the green flag? They are both busy people but each time they have the time to be around each other, no one will mistake the relationship they have isn't just between fiance and fiancee but a standard every girl like me wanted.

I told everyone that I don't envy anyone and people believe that, but mom I am not. I've been jealous of the love people around me have, and sometimes I ask the Gods why am I here waiting, letting myself be hurt, letting myself tear up until it empties me?

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