Chapter 6: Wooden Stairs (third quarter)

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Jared's heart sank as he remembered Lou's subdued attitude at the office. Lou, who had never liked him, being nice to his ex's best friend. Now he had on a look of careless confidence and swung a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

"Roses?" Jared said. "Really?"

Lou ignored him, approaching Rose with the bouquet proffered. She prickled.

"Who the hell invited you?"

"Congratulations, babe. I know that car was a lotta work."

"Oh I do not need this right now."

"I wasn't gonna miss your celebration." He stopped a few feet away. "I had to come by and surprise ya."

"Yeah, well—consider me surprised."

"Hey, I know we had a rough patch. But we've always got through it before." He moved to her side and dropped to one knee, raising the bouquet. "Roses for my princess."

Rose opened her mouth, took in a breath, and screamed at him. "How dare you! How dare you come here uninvited, crash my special day, after what a total fucking dick you have been! Tonight is not about you and your hot and your cold, and your fucking flowers, and your princess bullshit, and your toilet seat up, and your lame-ass fucking paper, and your snooping, and your flaking, and your paranoia! You were not invited, and you do not get to be here!"

Lou looked floored and was silent for a moment. "But...I gotta be here. The LouJERS Club would just be Jer's Club!"

"You're right, that wouldn't fit," Alma agreed. "We're obviously Rose's Club."

"That's dope."

"But—it's only you, babe. It's always been only you."

She was shaking her head, cornrows flailing. "No. No-no-no-no-uh-uh. I am so done hearing that from you."

"She wasn't even pretty—"

"Shut your fucking mouth!"

Lou's mouth gaped open.

"Y'know what? Why donchu go see your little whore right now? I'm sure she misses you and would appreciate some flowers. Or you can just shove them thorns right up your ass, Peach Cheeks."

Lou went beet red, and his mouth and throat moved as if he were trying to speak. Then he jerked to his feet and spun around to go, but not before his gaze passed over Jared, and he marked the expression on his face. Fire flashed in his eyes, and he strode rapidly off into the trees.

There was an awkward quiet. Jared thought of a pun, and managed to keep his mouth shut.

Alma was looking at the bouquet, lying where Lou had dropped it. "Some species of mantis eat their mate when they're done with him," she said.

"Y'know, that is just the random-ass fact I need to hear right now." Rose scooped up the flowers and moved them to the grill, where they started to smolder before catching in streamers of flame.

The gang watched quietly as the bouquet burned to ash, its plastic sheath crinkling and dripping greasily away, leaving a foul odor in the air. With muted goodbyes, the party broke up, Rose and Jared sharing a subway home with barely a word between them, until they parted near her block.

"Hey, uh, congratulations on the car, Rose. I'll hold you to that tour."

She gave him a half smile. "For sure, Jer. G'night."

Jared watched her glumly until she was out of sight. Finding himself suddenly alone, his other pressing worries came crowding back in, and he stared anxiously at the spot where he'd last seen her, searching the shadows for any other signs of life. But deciding it would be unwarranted to follow her back to her place—if anything, only endangering her should he be pursued—he headed home, his eyes on the lookout and his hand on the Seal in his pocket.

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