Chapter 9: Come to Blows (second quarter)

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Nightfall. He stood on the roof of the power plant, scanning the perimeter of the lot. Darkness draped over the building, seeping inkily under the surrounding trees and sinking down the bushy banks of the canal. Above, the city's light pollution reflected off heavy slate clouds, lending the heavens an eerie glow.

As the minutes ticked by, Jared paced the rooftop, skirting the damaged areas and wiping his palms on his jeans. The vampire usually showed shortly after sunset. He was late.

Maybe he's coming from farther away.

Eyes darting between shadows, Jared paced, shifting the super soaker, jumping at perceived movements. Needing a rest, he leaned against a wall, letting his satchel's strap and the gun's water-filled backpack slide from his tense shoulders to his elbows. He squinted at his watch, straining to make out the hands in the weak light. It was well over an hour past sunset.

Can I go home? He's the one who didn't show...

He straightened, turning for the door.

A humid breeze tangled in his hair and rustled the leaves of the trees. A shadow detached from the shadows below, striding toward the building. Jared stiffened, fixating on it. Only one form this time.

He shifted his stance, taking another step for the door behind.

The form in the lot stopped abruptly, a pale face turning up to him. A voice lifted up through the gloom. "Apologies for the delay. I had a dinner date."

Jared's throat constricted.

"You see," the vampire continued, "since our first rendezvous I have been, shall we say, saving room. But tonight, alas for you, I've come at full power."

Jared shuddered.

"Do give me a bit of sport before you die, Red," he called. "I've a body of innocent blood to burn through...before I get to yours."

The vampire rushed at the building, no longer headed for the entry bay, but straight toward him. His form slipped from view.

Jared started forward, but the drop before him brought him up short.

A sound echoed up from below—a rapid tapping, the click of something hard against brick. Heart pumping, Jared forced his feet forward, closer to the side of the building. With each step nearer the drop, his legs were converting to rubber—his body swayed uncontrollably—he fell to his knees ahead of the edge, fingers pressing the brick to steady himself.

The tapping got louder.

He crawled forward, breathing hard, and forced his head over the edge.

The vampire's hooded form surged up to meet him. Fumbling with the gun clutched to his chest, he got off a blast of water. It splattered the hood to no apparent effect. Jared scrambled back on all fours, distancing from the drop-off until his legs condescended to hold him.

The vampire's head broke over the edge of the building.

Jared squeezed the trigger, sending a burst of water at the pale face. He missed, but the vampire ducked back anyway. More clicking, and he popped up to the right—Jared fired again, narrowly missing—the vampire ducked out of sight. Scuttling clicks, and he lunged up on the far right—Jared got him this time, a jet in the face drawing a scream as he fell out of view. Jared rushed forward, but again his legs betrayed him. He stopped at a distance from the edge, as close as they would carry him, craning over—he couldn't see anything from here.

He listened, trying to quiet his strained breaths. Had there been a noise of a fall? There had been some sort of noise just below. Now there was only the rumble of cars rolling by in the surrounding streets. The scraping of branches in the trees. The pounding of his heart in his ears.

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