Chapter 11: Drunk Ex (Part 2)

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Gigi <3

I honestly don't know what the f*ck I'm doing.

Kissing Ash Logan's neck?! Am I crazy or stupid?

I'm only doing this because Caleb is watching. That's the only reason. Totally.

My lips rake over his neck and I breathe in, smelling his delicious cologne. I feel my pulse racing and I almost smile when I realize his heartbeat is slightly faster than normal too. He puts his hands on my waist and squeezes, almost making me moan. I have to bite my lip to stop myself. I continue pecking his neck, without tongue, because that would be weird, and eventually, I pull back and look at him. I so desperately want to kiss his lips, which look so kissable I want to die. I imagine myself backing into the tree and biting his lip as we-

Okay, chill. Stop, Gigi. 

I look over and realize they've left.

Licking my lips, I sigh and look down. "Sorry, I wanted to make him jealous."

"If that's how you do it, then feel free to make him jealous anytime." He smiles genuinely and I almost choke on air. His smile was so boyish. So cute.

I breathe out a laugh and look at where they were standing before. "Think we succeeded?"

"I don't know. I was too busy being molested by you." 

I slap his arm. "Shut up. You know you liked it."

"I never said I didn't."

I roll my eyes. "It's just so weird seeing him after so long, making out with that girl. He used to push me into the walls. Not any other girl."

Ash looks down at me, eyebrows raised. "Let me know if you ever want to be pushed into a wall."

I smile and bite my lip, pleased when he automatically looks at them. "I will."

What is going on? Why am I flirting with him? I've known him for 4 years, but that was just snide comments I made about him in class, and him making snide comments to me in class. Not talking. That only started today. Why did I like what I saw? Agh, I guess I couldn't help it. After all, what's the harm in a little banter?


Later, we get back inside and I order some shots. I must be high off of seeing my ex. And Ash. The tray arrives and disregarding Jadi's warnings, I take 8 shots of tequila. Yes, I wanted to get drunk. 

"Hey, slow down." Peyton frowns.

"I just saw Caleb. I'm getting drunk tonight Peyton." I tell her.

She shuts up and I take more shots as Ash tells them about seeing Caleb and his girlfriend. He leaves out the part where I kiss his neck though.

"Jeez, what a man-whore." Peyton rolls her eyes. "I want to light him on fire."

Ash pulls out a lighter from his pocket. "Got one."

"Why do you have a lighter? Do you smoke?" I ask, slightly slurring.

"No. I just like lighters. This one is special."

"I like lollipops. I like to lick them." I hiccup.

Ash laughs and it makes my drunk self smile. "I'm sure you do."

Jadi is looking between me and Ash rapidly. I lean over to her and say, "I'll tell you tomorrow."



Gigi gets very drunk. Jadi and Alice tell me to drop them off at the college and that Peyton and Maia will take Gigi to her room. 

"But should she be alone while she's this drunk?"

"I'm there, silly," Maia says.

"Yeah, but."

"But what?"

"But, she shouldn't be alone."

Maia looks at me. "What, want to take her to your place?"

Gigi laughs suddenly. I forgot she was here. "Sure, Maia, so that you and Aaron can get so nasty that Ash and I can hear it through the walls?" 

Maia glares at her while I laugh at Aaron, who blushes a little bit in the front.

My brother isn't a virgin, but the blunt way Gigi put it was hilarious.

"Let's go to your house, Ash. Please? My dorm room is too small. And in the morning if I need to throw up, I'll have to run to the dorm bathrooms." Gigi pouts like a 5-year-old. 

I sigh. What have I gotten myself into?

"There are four guest rooms at my house. You all can stay."



can't wait guyssssss

what do you think of Caleb? 

He's an idiot for letting Gigi go don't ya think?

can't wait for the next chapterrrr



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