Chapter 21: Cheeky Kisses

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Penny's eyes go wide.

"Who's that?"

I stumble for some explanation. "He's a guy from college. I met him after Caleb and I broke up."

Penny smirks. I'm only watching Penny because I'm too nervous to look at Ash. "What kind of things did you do?"

"Probably things you're too old to do." I am growing annoyed.

She doesn't even flinch. "Probably. So, you guys hooked up? That's it."

"Yeah. We never dated. And we never will." I finally grow a pair and look at Ash.

I see that he looks like he wants to say something, but can't because of Penny. He also looks a little pissed. Well, pissed is an understatement. 



I can't believe it.

Ben, that stupid motherfvcker, got to Gigi?

He got to talk to her, and make her laugh. He even fvcked her. Twice.

We were friends, and Gigi must have known because when she told Penny, she didn't look at me.

Ben was the co-captain of the basketball team, with me being the captain.

It's not that I didn't like him, Ben was cool.

Well, until now.

Now, I want to punch him.

Gigi slept with him. And I had no idea.

They could have dated. God, imagine if they were dating.

At least Ben's such a sh!t boyfriend that she only used him for sex. Two times though.

"Why did you do it twice?" I ask, a little roughly. 

I have no right to be angry. So why am I?

She gulps and looks down. "He kept texting me. He originally wanted to date me, but I kept turning him down, so he asked if we could at least meet up once more. I agreed."

"And one thing led to another." Penny sighs.

"Well, sugar plum, at least you are done with him. You have better men in your life now. Like this one." She smiles brightly at me.

Even though I'm slightly annoyed still, her smile cheers me up. "Yep." I nod and smile at Penny.

A small group of children comes into the shop, ringing the bell, their parents beside them. 

"Oh! Kids! Gotta love 'em. Be right back!" Penny hops up and walks over to them.

A moment of silence passes between me and Gigi.

She clears her throat. "You're not mad or anything, right?" She asks softly.


She was nervous I was going to be mad.

My heart softens. 

"No. You don't like him anymore, right?"

"No, not at all." She shakes her head, laughing a little.

At least she was laughing over how silly the idea was of them together.

"And anyway, I like somebody else." She eyes me suggestively. 

"Do you, now?" I smirk.



Aaaandddd, the tension was back. 

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐡 ☑️Where stories live. Discover now