Chapter 18: The Library

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After I eat my (freaking delicious) sushi, I leave my friends to go see Ash.

"Well, see you later," I say, grabbing my stuff and standing up.

"Oooh. On your way to see loverboy?" Peyton raises her eyebrows.

I roll my eyes. "Jeez, guys, save it for when we start dating." 

They all freeze and look at me. Yep, big mistake saying that, Gigi.

"You are gonna start DATING?"


"Oh, God, you guys are going to date? Ahh!"

"What? Since when?"

"Didn't know you liked him that much, G."

"Sweet. You guys are cute."

"Nah, they're hot together. Bet they think that of each other too."

"Yeah, they probably have sex dreams of each other."


"You think they practiced moaning each other's name?"

"Ohh, Ash. Yes, Ash."

"God, Gigi, keep going, yes Gigi, YES."

I slam my hand on the table. "Would you shut up?!"

"Yes, I think we're done." Jadi smiles.

Rolling my eyes, I sigh. "Good. Your moaning is just, ugh." I fake a shudder.

"Oh, please, you know you want to do that with Ash," Alice smirks.

"Shut up. I'm leaving you weirdos."

"Sure, you know you'll miss us."

"Nope. I won't." And I turn my back and don't look back, sensing their laughs.


I get to the library, getting a table behind a bookshelf near the back. I set my bag down in a chair and get out my laptop, playing games while waiting for Loverboy. 

I hear a throat clearing behind me and I whip my head around, expecting Ash, but the voice was too feminine. And old.

"Excuse me, but in the library please no games." The croaky librarian says, hand on her hip.

I smile disarmingly, being my talent, I calm her down.

"Sorry, miss, I was just waiting for a friend. I think that's him right now." I spot a random guy by the bookshelf. Catching his eye, I wink and wave him over. 

"Hey, Alex." I glance at him, my smile a little forced. Luckily, he gets the gig and smiles.

"There you are, I was looking for you." He smiles at me. 

"Oh, yeah. I was waiting for you to come over. Let's get started on the math thing, shall we?" I motion to the table. He takes a seat.

"Yeah. It sucks though, I hate math." He looks at me.

"Yeah, math sucks." I agree.

The librarian looks between us. "Okay, kids. Just no more games, okay?"

I smile again. "Of course, miss." 

She smiles, finally, and nods her head as she walks away.

At her back, I point the middle finger. Kids around me chuckle as they notice it.

"B!tch," I swear. Looking at the guy, I smile. "Thanks."

The guy smiles in return, revealing a dimple. "You're welcome. Might wanna take a seat though, she's watching us."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐡 ☑️Where stories live. Discover now