First Day

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      Lets just say the day did not start off too well, I'm not use to waking up at 3:30 am. I woke up in a almost empty apartment, that child services provided me, just to let you know I'm not the most friendliest person at 3:30 am. Plus I was up a lot of the night thinking about my mom and dad, I miss them, a lot.

''Beep beep beep beep beep''

Ugg there Is something I've dreaded my whole life, the alarm clock.

"WHAT!!!" I scream

"oh, yah I'm not going to that prison anymore, I'm going to be putting criminals in prison." I remind myself "yay"

As I get myself ready, I take a quick shower, then get some nice cloths on, and head to the NCIS building. I have to walk there, because even though I can drive, I don't have a car.

When I arrive Gibbs was there to greet me, he smiles, and I smile back.

"One and a half hours early!?, someone must be eager, I like you already Miss. Heart, I'm Gibbs by the way" Gibbs explains to me

"What!!?? Senior agent DiNozzo told me to be here at 0400!?" I ask

"We just call him DiNozzo, and sadly that sounds like my DiNozzo." He jokes

"Everyone must be here by 0500 normally, I told him to tell you to be here at 0530 today, sorry about him." Gibbs continues.

These guys I have to work with sound very ... Fun.

"That's fine, I really don't mind" I lie

I would have actually died for a extra hour to sleep. I walk around for awhile then Gibbs show me my desk, give me my badge, and my gun, then he tells me to go meet Abby in the lab he thinks we would be very good friends.

I head down to the lab and when I walk in I find Abby asleep on the floor under a table. She immediately gets up with the sounds of my foot steps, and starts talking with out even looking back.

"Gibbs you will never believe what I found on the footage, it took me about 5 hours and lots of cafPow, but I got it done our killer is," she lists on

She then relies that I'm not Gibbs.

"Oh, hi you must be Alex Heart, the new recruit, nice to meet you, I'm Abby Sciuto" she quickly changes the subject.

"Hi Abby, yes i am Alex, u can call me Lexi though," I respond

"So the killer is....." i ask

"Wait for Gibbs."she just responds

Me and Abby chat for awhile we end up laughing and giggling together, she gives me a drink called cafPow, and that really did wake me up. She's a really cool friend.

Then Gibbs calls me back up to meet the rest of the team.

"Lexi, this is Tony DiNozzo, Tim McGee, Ziva David, Jimmy Palmer, Ducky Mallard, Director Leon Vance, and you met Abby." Gibbs introduces me to everyone.

I shake everyone's hands, and say its nice to meet you, then I turn to the guy that got me up a hour early. I give him a good death look.

"See something you like?" DiNozzo asks

"No I see shooting practice!" I reply wittily

Everyone except Tony laughs at my remark even Gibbs.

"Oh, that reminds me" Gibbs blurts out

Gibbs then goes over to Tony and slaps him on the back of his head.

"What was that for, what did I do?!?" DiNozzo asks.

"You told her to be here almost two hours early" Gibbs replies.

"Oh that" Tony answers.

Then every one starts to scatter out to places so I just sit down at my desk, and put a picture of my mom, and dad up.

**** little later****

"Lets go, dead marine in Bluemont." Gibbs announces,

And with that I jump up and head out everyone expect Abby, and the Director.

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The New Girl {NCIS} -Book 1-Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang